Feb 01, 2010 23:02
With the huge response from the rpgnow.com Haitian appeal, I was intrigued to know what proportion of the people had downloaded products in the bundle. We included, from Encompass, the Tendrill's Oak - a set of maps of an Inn at miniature and non-miniature scale with documentation - and The Trail of Cthulhu PLayer's Guide from Pelgrane.
Chuck at OBS kindly let me know. Of the of the 7000 or so bundles purchased at the time, 1100 Tendrill's Oaks have been downloaded, and twice that of the Trail Player's Guide. I suspect that other headline games will have higher figures. What's surprising is that between about 10% of people don't downloaded products for which they've paid full whack. Strange.
i'll show you mine,
it's all for chariddy,