I dont want to kill my china pig

Nov 07, 2005 23:08


Since we had all piled in the van with our equipment to get down to John's studio the previous evening we figured we would do it all again at nine in the morning. I spent a late night with Lee, Aaron and Justin watching The Godfather but I felt all right that morning. Everyone showed up pretty much on time and we shambled out of my house and into the van. The trip down statred out very quiet. As noted by Matt and Lee as quiet as a bus taking a team to a big game. It was that kind of feeling I guess. All of the work of the day would mostly be done by myself and Justin who had spent the morning searching for sushi to ensure a joyful recording experience. For those of you unfamililar with the type of recording we are doing, we are recording track by track in which first drums and bass are recorded to ensure a solid rhythm track after which guitars and keys are added, then vocals and then the fun of additional non-essential-but-nonetheless-exciting-overdubs that most ears may not hear the first time or think much of but add a unique flavor to the song being worked on. When we walked into the tracking room there were my drums all ready to go from the previous night. Almost. Some last minute ajustments were made and they were ready to go, but I wasn't. Yet. For the weeks leading up to recording the band had been practicing with a click track to ensure a conisitant tempo throughout an entire song. The track we were using was not unlike the sound of a watch ticking. John had other plans as to a click track. John spent some time rifling through various drums loops like those you would hear on an electronica record trying to find one we could play along with. This was a bit of a curveball. While John was finding a good drumloop me and Aaron Mc Brearty were inside the tracking room playing around with the piano and talking about having confidence which I can't exactly remember how came up. I still had that blessed conifidence I had experienced the night before.

a few notes...mention not doubting yourself. is having no faith in yourself and your gifts an insult to the One who has entrusted those gifts to you? do all things with excellence. and confidence? mention me and mc b's confidence session.God given and God honoring confidence. Check out frank Lenz myspace.
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