Jan 25, 2013 10:50
As LiveJournal's most passionate advocate I've been here longer than I thought. I'm not a man of many words so here's the evolution of the Buffy fandom on LJ according to me.
2001-2003 Civil war and inactivity on the message boards causes fans to flock to LJ
2003-2007 Segregated shipping communities form, fans take ownership of the characters. Post-UPN fans enter the fandom.
2007-2010 News of Buffy Season 8 causes canon wars. The comic books divide the online fandom. Both sides try to shout each down. Social justice fans gain prominence for a while.
2010-2013 Slow migration away from LiveJournal owing to LJ issues, bitterness over fellow fans and the comic books. Tumblr appeals to the more visual fans, Dreamwidth allows for fans to pour out their thoughts without interruption.