i miss my pussy cats. i want them to live with us at the hotel. we'll be spending chrismas wherever and gemonie seems tiny, she pulls out her hair near her back leg (when she had the operation) she is unquestionaby stressed and/ or in pain. i just want her with me.
i wuv gem gemonem.
so, i havent been home in over a week, i use a tea spoon to feed the goldfish so i dont get smelly hands, mum, however, i think has been giving them a tea spoon of dish food aday. there's only two fish!
woo! hmv just called to say they just got sunshines new album in for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. i shall boogie.they better come to notts again. i saw bits of their video on scuzz, saw them live, spoke to them, bought their tee, wrote to them, they wrote back, we communicated over the net lots when they visited years ago, then! in the near past i bought two albums worth of theirs on iTunes AND now their new 'un from hmv... i deserve another live show....
anyway, so, radio at the hotel is crap.
so im listening to rhod gilbert's bbc welsh morning show, on monday afternoon. funny =)
4 of the children geese have flown away, they flew off to caneda (presumably) at 4am.
dad and the other kiddygesse are still at the hotel.
i need to upload some piccys to clear my camera memory up a bit but i forgot my cammy.
Click to view
wuvely song.
i think (every no and then) "ooh, cool, ill wrie that in my LJ" but i forget. ive been writing in my jewellery log book, wheich i shouldnt. "bracelet, £6, red bracelet, £7, necklace... oh, earlier today i...."
no attention span. alreet, so, i have to fold the dry washing. bye.