a random survey thing because i have not posted anything substantial on here for ages

Mar 26, 2010 23:18

If I was a month, I’d be: January, on account of it's holidays and Tasmania is warm.
If I was a day of the week, I’d be: PUBDAY BITCHESSSSSSS (known in uncivilised nations as "Wednesday")
If I was a time of day, I’d be: 6 PM, because it's not quite day and not quite night, and the only other way I can get that is by being awake painfully early.
If I was a planet, I'd be: Earth. Seriously, are any other planets as full of awesome things as Earth is? But if it has to be another one I'd say Mars because I could chill with Doctor Manhattan on his clock-fortress thing.
If I was a sea animal, I'd be: WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL a narwhal because horns are brutal.
If I was a direction, I’d be: north, because I'm already further south than everything except Chile, Argentina and New Zealand.
If I was a piece of furniture, I'd be: an awesome, big-arse couch that you fall asleep on more often than you do your actual bed.
If I was a liquid, I’d be: a well-aged Irish Whiskey. Awesome and smooth but kinda harsh if you're not used to me, but if you know me well you can really appreciate me. Wow my ego is off the wall tonight.
If I was a gemstone, I'd be: a diamond because I'm a hard cunt and the chicks love me :smug:
If I was a tree, I’d be: a willow. The highlight of getting dragged along to church every week when I was a little kid was always the big old willow tree out the back of the church which I would have a blissful minute or so swinging on the branches of after mass every Sunday.
If I was a tool, I’d be: a leatherman. Jack of all trades, master of none. Also fits in your pocket :3
If I was a flower, I’d be: one of the useful ones which has fruit. flowrz r ghey
If I was a kind of weather, I'd be: a sunny day but with plenty of light clouds so the heat never gets overbearing.
If I was a musical instrument, I’d be: a guitar, because it's the only one I can play with anything resembling skill :shobon:
If I was a color, I’d be: BLACKER THAN THE BLACKEST BLACK TIMES INFINITY okay fine it's a shade, Red. I always liked red. For all the usual fire/danger/lust/whatever reasons, plus girls almost always look better in red than they do in other colours, not a clue why. Try it sometime ladies!
If I was a fruit, I’d be: a passionfruit. Passionfruit are fucking delicious and never get enough love.
If I was a sound, I’d be: the sound of a slightly distorted, tightly-wound guitar and a grand piano simultaneously playing a big, pounding, victorious riff in all major chords. Like the one after Petrucci's solo in "Stream of Consciousness" or the one at the end of "Ants of the Sky" (although that one doesn't have any piano, and it fucking should).
If I was an element, I'd be: mercury, because I just have to be fucking different, don't I?
If I was a car, I’d be: a Kingswood. You're not taking the Kingswood!
If I was a food, I’d be: mi goreng, with plenty of soya sauce, but hold the chili.
If I was a place, I’d be: the good old country town pub, transplanted into the middle of the city.
If I was a material, I’d be: velvet, because I can be smooth as (and good looking) but if you rub me the wrong way I am hell of awkward and probably irritating.
If I was a taste, I’d be: the well-deserved cold lager after a hot day of hard work, fresh off the tap.
If I was a scent, I'd be: the smell of a good stir-fry being cooked that hits your nose as soon as you walk in the door after a long day and makes you happy someone's done something for you.

i suck

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