Proposition 8 Overturned

Aug 05, 2010 12:02

If you're an American who is sick and tired of the Christian Right trying to turn our country into a third-world theocracy, then this is great news. Proposition 8 was the California ballot measure back in 2008 that invalidated the state's legalization of gay marriage. Now, Proposition 8 itself has been invalidated by the courts. I'm not gay, so this is probably something that people like me shouldn't be concerned about, but I say that it's a victory for secular America as a whole. If those that want to turn our country into Saudi America can't handle it, then they need to get out. I'm sorry but the country I was born in was a constitutional republic, not a theocracy. And I'd prefer not to have to move, especially not right now, but let me tell you- the second that people actually manage to make their personal morals the law of the land I'm packing up and heading to Canada or the UK...

Even so, there has been some rather amusing responses from particularly crazy people on the Internet... let's have a look.

Yes, this ruling was predictable. How sad is that?
Citizens of California trying to uphold the sanctity of marriage as God intended are 'overruled' by a homosexual judge, and the leftmedia will cheer.

Young people have been brainwashed in public schools to see homosexual behavior as 'just another lifestyle' and cannot understand why anyone opposes 'gay marriage'. Their usual response to opposition to same-sex 'marrige' is: "who cares?" That is the problem. Fewer and fewer Americans 'care' about refusing to honor a sexual perversion with the sacred title of 'marriage'. The 'gay community's' relentless pursuit of 'marriage' laws that include two people of the same sex is bearing fruit (no pun intended). Our culture is turning into a sewer, and it seems that few really care anymore. If that proves true, we'll get the society we deserve. Sodom and Gomorrah in America? It's getting closer - and it won't be pretty.
-Jim Scott, Free Republic

Oh please, Jimmy- the United States is a secular state. But since you're so into having all religious rights exercised, do you mind if I take off work tomorrow, since it's a holiday for my religion, Simonaism? And no, it's not a religion I pulled out of my ass just now, it's totally legit! And if you don't let me take the day off, you're takin' away my rights, you ass!

Will the GOP have the guts to uphold Biblical values as the foundation of this great nation? Or will we continue to be represented by RINOs?
-DesertRenegade, Free Republic

You want Biblical values to be the foundation of the nation? OK. How about we kill people who eat shellfish and wear mixed-fiber clothing, force women who were raped to marry their rapists, kill disobedient children, and not allow women on their periods to go out in public. Better cancel your Red Lobster dinner plans, yeah?

Homosexuality is not a “characteristic” as you say.

It is a sickness. Or as it used to be known in the Psychiatric community, Deviant Behavior.

Behavior that is sick and wrong.

You have been brainwashed to believe this behavior is just an OK lifestyle choice.

I’m not “into” murder or rape as well, should we also consider this defiant behavior to be a lifestyle choice as well?

In my mind it is the same.

This isn’t about is about wrongdoing. And yes, unnatural is correct as well.

Stop drinking the fag agenda kool-aid. Wrong is wrong.
-Aurorales, Free Republic

In the psychiatric community, people with ADHD and clinical depression like I do are considered to have issues. Being gay is not like having ADHD, or to use a more extreme example, schizophrenia; having a mental illness makes it very difficult to live a normal life. Being gay does not affect your everyday life like a mental illness does. Your argument is invalid (where is my "your hair is a bird, your argument is invalid" image macro when I need it?).

Just because gays can marry doesn't make it a union that God can bless. Marriage began as a covenant agreement before God, and as a protection for children.This bill legitimizes a sin, and many are going to hell thinking that they're okay with the world.This is another strike against God's perfect will for His children.

--Adoration, Rapture Ready

So you think straight marriage is always happy and perfect? Honey, my family put the "dysfunction" in "dysfunctional." My parents probably never should have married, it would have saved everyone a lot of grief. "Protecting children" my ass, it's more like "making an excuse for people who really should not be together to legitimize their relationship in the eyes of their parents." And in my case, it ended badly. Come back and say that marriage between a man and a woman is always great after your family is torn apart through suicide and just general dysfunction. And that's not to say that people should never get married- there are plenty of people out there who have wonderful, happy marriages. It's just naive to believe that every heterosexual marriage is perfect.

This is really sad......twice the people of CA have spoken and twice they've been overruled. These activist judges are going against the will of the people, but no one cares. *What's interesting is the judge said "Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians.", but this simply says marriage is one man and one woman. Sexual preference has never been is implied. One heterosexual man cannot marry another heterosexual man, but if this judge has his way, then this could happen. Marriage would now become a convenient arrangement to get insurance benefits, lower their taxes, etc. And it most certainly opens the door to multiple partner marriages, adult/child marriages (NAMBLA for instance), and who knows what else????? This is NOT the purpose of marriage. Our country is turning its back on the Lord and I, for one, pray for our survival as a nation.
-MLM411, Rapture Ready
Alright, dillweed, there's a reason why adult/child relationships are illegal: A CHILD CANNOT CONSENT. A CHILD CANNOT SIGN A CONTRACT. And how do you know that there has never been a heterosexual marriage to get tax benefits before? It's called a Soviet-type marriage, and they're more common than you think. As for polygamy, I don't really see a problem as long as everyone  consents. Polyamory is probably not something I could do, I'm territorial, but hell, the world needs more love. If consenting adults can make it work, then, it really doesn't concern me.

I could go on, but doing so would only make me stupider than I already am, so I'm stopping here. But in the next few days, watch the Internet. There's plenty of stupid to go around.

politics, rants

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