Mar 05, 2006 13:32
Normally, he'd sit in the back corner and people watch. Sometimes it was to find someone that moved the way his most recent character was supposed to. Not that he copied it well, but normally the director didn't care, so why should he? Sometimes - okay way, way too often - he was checking out the girls at the bar and seeing who made the best non-brunette eye candy. See if the woman in question gave of the "available, vibe and then see what he could do about her availability. At point he did care how he moved. Buying a drink would only get you a "hello." From there, you had to earn it.
It occurs to him that he hasn't had a girlfriend - a real honest-to-God longer-than-the-movie-shoot type relationship for...Damn, maybe Hank will remember. The only name that occurs to him is Alexandra Kretchyn from his junior year of high school. Another brunette. Blondes were great. Blondes were fun. Brunettes killed him. Especially smart brunettes with accents who could hand him his butt. Lexi had been a martial arts champion and exchange student exploring the other side of the world. Couldn't have lasted there either, but she the older girl and extremely memorable. SHEILD would have loved her. He eyes his Guiness and wonders a little where she might have gone in the world.
The jukebox in the corner start belting out one of his favorites:
One of these nights
One of these crazy old nights
We're gonna find out
Pretty mama
What turns on your lights
The full moon is calling
The fever is high
And the wicked wind whispers
And moans
The Eagles always made California sound like some sort of young male dreamscape when he was growing up in a cold chilly upper East coast boarding school. Something about Glenn Fry's delivery made it sounds like a good time in the sun surrounded by girls and action. It was only later - after the Williams Innovations was going down the tubes and he took Baron Zemo up on his offer to become a thug that he started realizing Don Henley wasn't talking about the good things in life when he took the mike.
You got your demons
You got desires
Well, I got a few of my own's that the truth? How many of them were recovering assholes or fellons in the Avengers anyway? Let's see...Cap probably was blessed by God to be one of those good souls. Same with Janet, but she and Pym would likely deny it. Tony? Military hardware sales guy who broke the Vault's security when he pitched a fit over other people having bad copies of his favorite suit, plus a drinking problem. Check. Thor? Well, I guess you can't be a God and keep everyone happy. Clint? Check. Wanda and Pietro? Check and add family weirdness to that - not he was a stranger to that situation. Pym had his total "what the heck were you thinking?!" moments. Shelkie? Defense attorney. 'Nuff said. Natasha? International spy. Vihz was created to take the Avengers down at first, so check. Bobbi...well Bobbi helping paranoid lunatics take out Vision has lead to part of the reason why he's having a beer right now.
For now, he tunes back into the song and starts singing along with this part under his breath.
I've been searching for the daughter
Of the devil himself
I've been searching for an angel in white
I've been waiting for a woman who's a little
Of both
And I can feel her but she's nowhere
In sight
Machosistic? Ever since he got his powers and tangled with Wanda, you betcha. Still a favorite because it fit the situation perfectly. Even now, with the divorce and Vihz being off exploring his humanity, even if what started this all was his own thoughts about her getting transferred onto the better version himself that evolved past his failings, it still felt like a betrayal thinking of her that way. He'd tried for a bit to just look for someone like her, but, come on, there really wasn't someone out there like that. Wasn't like he pining away or anything either. Hollywood offered plenty of things to do and people to do them with and he'd had a ball out there. Still...
Oo, loneliness will blind you
In between the wrong and the right
Oo, coming right behind you
Swear I'm gonna find you
One of these nights
...wasn't like any of this was the right or wrong thing to do.
And he was also wishing he could read his beer lable. Hav ingdys lexiac anmake it hardtoreadduth e istryi ng...