Nov 17, 2008 15:24


Seeing as it's just over five weeks until Christmas, we at Simon and Schuster UK, figured that you deserved a treat for helping us get this livejournal page off the ground, so this month... we have not one, not two, but THREE BOOKS for you to choose from!

In Santa's sack this month;
20 x The Vesuvius Club by Mark Gatiss
10 x Generation Dead by Daniel Waters
10 x Ironside by Holly Black


The Vesuvius Club by Mark Gatiss

Lucifer Box is the darling of the Edwardian belle monde - society's most fashionable portrait painter is a wit, a dandy, a rake, the guest all hostesses (and not a few hosts) must have.
But few know that Lucifer Box is also His Majesty's most accomplished and daring secret agent. Beneath London's façade of Imperial grandeur and divine aesthetes seethes an underworld of crazed anarchists, murder, and despicable vice, and Box is at home in both.
And so of course when Britain's most prominent scientists begin turning up dead, there is only one man his country can turn to.
Lucifer Box ruthlessly deduces and seduces his way from his elegant townhouse at Number 9 Downing Street (all his father left him), to private stews of London and the seediest, most colourful back alleys of Italy, in search of the mighty secret society that may hold the fate of the world in its claw-like hands - the Vesuvius Club.

Generation Dead by Daniel Waters

All over the tri-state area, something strange is happening. Teenagers who die aren't staying dead. They are coming back to life, but they come back different - they stutter and their reactions to everything are slower. Termed 'living impaired' or 'differently biotic', there are lots of conspiracy theories to explain this new phenomenon. But as their numbers keep on growing, so does the discomfort of the living people in the community. When Phoebe falls for Tommy Williams, her best friend and star of the football team, Adam, has conflicting emotions. And when Tommy decides to try out for the football team, it sets off a chain of events that escalates into deadly violence.

Ironside by Holly Black

When pixie Kaye declares herself to Roiben on the day of his coronation, he is forced to send her on a seemingly impossible quest. Now Kaye is forbidden to see or speak to him unless she can find the one thing she knows doesn't exist: a faerie who can tell a lie.
Miserable and convinced she belongs nowhere, Kaye makes a rash decision to reveal the truth to her mother - that she is a changeling left in place of a human child. Her mother's shock reaction sends Kaye running back to the Faerie realm in search of her human counterpart in a bid to return her to Ironside. But Kaye once again finds herself a pawn in the games of the Seelie Court. Queen Silarial wants Roiben's throne and she will use any means necessary to get it! In this twisted game of wits and power can a pixie outplay a queen?


Not a lot here, but a couple of things to keep in mind…
  1. Please comment this entry with your book choice. Please do not post your personal details in this journal. Email with your LJ USER name, name, address and book choice.
  2. ONE BOOK per user please, let's share the love! If there are some left over at the end of the week then the LJ users who have already requested one book will have the option of requesting another.
  3. This giveaway is first come, first served. Apologies if you do not get a book this time, but there is always next round!
Books will be sent out before the end of the week, and will cost you nothing! woot!

I'll be popping the samplers of Little Daughter into the same envelope so to save postage :-) >

daniel waters, holly black, generation dead, book, ironside, giveaway, mark gatiss, vesuvius club

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