Holy Moly! It's already March!!

Mar 03, 2010 18:17

Wow! I can not believe how quickly this year is going! It seems like only yesterday that I was packing up books for the Secret Santa giveaway and now look! It's March and the sun is shining over the London S&S offices.

A quick reminder to everyone who has received a book from S&S UK last year via our giveaways. If you enjoyed the book, or better yet if you wrote a review for the book, then please let me know. All feedback (good or bad) is welcomed and I always love reading your thoughts on our titles. As well as your own blog or journal, you can also post your book thoughts in our community booky_talk and on goodreads, Amazon, Waterstones, etc.

I hope you are all well and are finding time to squeeze in a bit of reading every now and again! What have you read this year that has grabbed you? For me, I've been getting into zombie fiction! Hilarious and terrifying in equal measure! We will continue to do giveaways of review copies so be sure to keep a look out for the next one coming later this month!
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