Book Lover's Meme Question Time!

Oct 01, 2008 14:20

Copy and Paste these questions into a comment to this entry and your journal!
10 Favourites

1. Favourite Book?
2. Favourite Author?
3. Favourite Genre?
4. Favourite series of books?
5. Favourite Illustrator?
6. Favourite book from when you were little?
7. Favourite Hero?
8. Favourite Villian?
9. Favourite couple?
10. Favourite Character?

5 Lasts

1. Last book you bought?
2. Last book you were given?
3. Last book you pre-ordered?
4. Last book you loved?
5. Last book you hated?

3 dos

1.Do you read part of your current book every day?
2. Do you stick to one genre of books or do you jump around?
3. Do you review all the books you read on LJ?

1 If
1. If you were stuck on a desert island and could only take one book with you, which book would you choose?
Once you've answered the questions, choose FIVE people on your friends' list to do the quiz as well.

quiz, simon and schuster uk, meme, favourite, books, book

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