
Nov 04, 2006 01:02

After a less than impressive November 2nd (31 words), I surged back with another 3781, bringing my total to 7327. Five hours of longhand at a coffeeshop is responsible for half of that, but still haven't gotten through most of the longhand I wrote (what's left is summarized/outline stuff, not 'copy/type' stuff.

If anyone's got any ideas, I'm needing some good heroic music, though, for the, er, hero. Stuff like Star Wars. I've got lots of good 'evil' music already, especially heavily dissonant quasi-industrial not-quite-music (specifically I recommend "Counting Bodies Like Sheep..." by A Perfect Circle, and "Betrayl" from the Silent Hill 2 Soundtrack).

When it comes to the typing part, once I get the right bit of music to put on repeat, I can hammer away for hours. The problem is getting that one piece of music. I think I'll turn in for now, since I've got 5 pages of outline to churn into refined actual text, and I'm pretty well ahead of schedule. If anyone's interested, here's a bit I posted on the Nanowrimo forums in the "Other Genres" subforum, the "Why are you 'other'?" thread:


Mine is a story with three main characters; an everyman hero in a coming-of-age story, a jaded veteran who begins doubting everything he has fought for and believed in, and a detective who begins to uncover terrible truths about the way the world works. Their stories will coincide with and cross over each other, but rarely overlap.

There's action, adventure, political intrigue, corporate espionage, blackmail, murder, conspiracies, sex, lies, videotape, and more than a few deaths along the way. I plan on a cast of hundreds, if not thousands, and action that spans across the globe from the slums of Hong Kong to the skyscrapers of New York City, the Nevada desert to the Siberian wastelands.

And all of this occurs in a parallel version of Earth where superpowers have always existed throughout history, so there's a very strong creative-historical-nonfiction element to it. Through the eyes of the different narrators, we learn about the ancient blood mages of the Aztec Empire, the Victorian-era battles of Her Majesty's Royal SuperMen against the mad Clockwork King, and the Supreme Court's groundbreaking 1987 ruling on the use of telepathy for evidence gathering and the determination of 'probable cause'.

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