Actions & Events

Aug 07, 2007 08:52

Lorenzo’s gathering was a stark contrast to my own some six months ago.  Cloaked in white and flowers and soft music.  Having spent the past few months in quiet contemplation, in the utter darkness of my home, my return to the Dance was sharp and quick.  I am always struck by the Court of New York City, its amalgam of characters and contrasts.  The reserved Elders having fallen into their routine of power and influence.  The soldiers, serving as the backbone to the city with their ambitions and specific skill-sets.  And then the neonates, full of potential and struggling to survive.

My arrangement with Felipe has kept the city running for the past year.  He has handled the politics, and I have handled those threats to the city.  In the end, despite his title, I think I got the better part of the deal.  Tonight, the city encountered various dangers, as it always does.  I tasked Mr. Phelps to handle the Church of the New Dawn, which he did with celerity and professionalism.  I asked Viscountess Mirandia to handle the diplomatic envoy to the Hammer Bay.  The diablerist who stowed away on a ship from the Far East was executed. And the annoying zombies which have plagued us…will be dealt with soon enough.

There were of course other occurrences that required my attention.  Scythe has decided to pursue his studies, and thus the city will require a new Sheriff.  Luna, a young Dragon, tried to sneak into the Invictus Gathering.  In the aftermath, I threatened to tear out her lungs and show them to her if she tried something like that again.  And then Abigail drew a sword on Asira, one of our Hounds.  The incident ended without bloodshed, and I reminded my great grand-childe that such actions are unbecoming a Prince.  Rebecca believes I was too hard on her.  I am certain that I wasn’t…for my leniency will cut into her far deeper than my wrath would have.  If she is to survive, she will need to learn how to stand in the face of monsters and madmen.

But the highlight of my night was my conversation with Felipe.  His family believes he is slipping towards his Beast, but they are wrong.  The Hierophant-Prince wears the Beast like an old friend, and I know that he will use it…and not allow it to use him.  I reminded him that every time he is forced to kill…that he must ask himself what it profits him.  It profits him nothing to stay his hand against the likes of criminals or Brood.  It profits him nothing to grant mercy to someone who will simply try to kill him later.  It is a hard world and we are hard creatures, and if utilized correctly, the Beast will protect him and keep him safe…as it has done for me for over four centuries…   
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