
Apr 26, 2006 02:37

So...there was enough information in the OOTS comic today to decipher the language that Haley's been speaking in... that is, if any of you read the comic or care about it.
Anyhow, here's the comic. Backstory: Haley witnessed a traumatic event (all of her treasure from a dungeon crawl getting blown to bits), and has since had some form of aphasia, and has been talking all weird. Some clerics told her that it's probably because she's keeping some secret, which is the main point of today's comic.

Encrypted -> Decrypted
A -> B
B -> S
C -> T
D -> O
E -> D
F -> R
G -> U
H -> A
I -> Unused
J -> V
K -> H
L -> C
M -> W
N -> I
O -> Unused
P -> G
Q -> X
R -> L
S -> Unused
T -> K
U -> M
V -> Y
W -> N
X -> Unused
Y -> E
Z -> P
Catch the typo in the second panel from the bottom on the left side!

It's seems that there's a new translation set every day (one-time pads?) which hampered my previous translation efforts. For instance, if you use this table and go back a few comics, where Haley is clearly laughing, she's apparently saying "Rly uy uy uy uy uy uy *agcdx* uy uy uy uy"
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