Last week was a shutdown at work. I didn't plan much, since I often am one of the ones stuck working during such shutdowns. To my delight, I found out on the Friday before that none of our group had to work that week.
So I had a nice, quiet weekend at home. Then Monday I ventured out into the world to buy turkey-day supplies (me and
dumpsterboy were going to be having both sets of parents over). On Tuesday, I came down with the Worst Cold Ever.
Somehow we managed to pull off a Thanksgiving dinner (turkey day landed on my birthday this year, so I got presents out of the deal this time around, yay!), and I spent the remainder of the vacation teetering on the edge of death.
I'm slowly getting better, but this week has largely consisted of going to work, sitting at my desk in a phlegm-clogged haze, then going home to sit on the couch and complain to
dumpsterboy about how much I feel like poo.