
Aug 12, 2005 13:18

I failed to share this fascinating link the last time I braved the Focus on the Family website. Now beat me to it. It is a serious of deeply scientific, extensively researched¹ articles about how to keep your precious child from "turning gay".

My personal favorite of this collection is the one where they offer ironclad proof² that roving bands of NAMBLA members, with the full and enthusiastic support of the greater gay community³, are infiltrating your child's activities and changing your state's laws† to make it easy and legal to molest your precious son and make him "turn gay".

You just can't make this stuff up.

¹ Sarcasm.
² In the form of, "if Dr. James Dobson says so, it's true".
³ The fact that every gay publication does not spend every single column inch condemning NAMBLA constitutes endorsement, doncha know?
† I admit that I never realized that any attempts to change age-of-consent laws were the work of gay pedophiles. I consider myself enlightened.
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