Last time on the Bracegirdle show, August, our heir, and his young wife Susie (
cpowellscircus) had three children, Quentin, who is a teenager, Drusilla, a child, and a toddler, Ophelia, the ghost of Sven (
katu_sims) visited his family, enjoying the company of his youngest grandchild and his widow, Rosie. Some moochers joined the household, Leif and Brice, but Leif died almost immediately, giving everyone horrible moodlets, and leaving an empty moocher spot which was filled by a childhood friend of August's, named Noel Dweller. We left the moochers to their own devices.
Let us begin with the image of a moocher, Brice Henry, having been not quite literally bored to death by our founder, Rosie, on the patio.
Rosie wonders if it is something in her appearance that caused it, or so it seems as she spends about 75% of her time in front of the mirror pulling the skin of her face around. The rest of the time she's making the beds.
Quentin was down at the school when suddenly things got very dark.
A shadow fell over the sidewalk.
Tammi Daguerreo stared up a the sky in terror.
Looking around at all of the idiots who seemed keen to place themselves under the ever-growing shadow, Quentin made a run for it.
He sought shelter in the jungle gym.
The meteor (!!!!) hit the school, singing the surrounding townspeople.
Even Quentin was charred.
Smaller metrorites landed nearby.
Miraculously no one was killed, despite their best efforts.
Quentin didn't wait for the authorities to arrive, he stuffed this sucker in the pocket of his briefs (um, what?) and ran home.
Where he did his homework and went to bed...
Meanwhile my husband has moved on after my death. I mean... you know what I mean. Self sims and all that.
The next morning, still singed, Quentin enjoyed breakfast with his grandpa Sven.
And went off to school...
August's sister Starfish is pregnant again.
Her first son, Matthew, is a toddler.
The moochers dance a lot while the Bracegirdle kids work on various skills.
August is also working on skills, he just needs one more point for his lifetime wish.
Just a moment where I realized that Ophelia's face is quite a bit different than her siblings. Woo!
Quentin appraised the gigantic space rock he picked up. HUZZAH!
So Susie had to repair the family computer.
And start the challenge. Brice the moocher rolled the 5 novels.
Wherein we settle into actual parenting for a change.
Brice Henry began The Brice Henry Story: A Moochers Work of Fiction
I put some more computers outside, but since every one else has writing skill except for the moochers, it goes rather quickly.
Ophelia decided to grow up in the bathroom during one of Brice's rare novel writing bathroom breaks, much to his shooing chagrin.
Her face says "this is my house motherfucker I can grow up where I want," I think. She added Excitable to Perceptive and Slob.
Meanwhile, Quentin became a young adult! He rolled reach the top of the medical career for a lifetime wish and added Charismatic to Artistic, Friendly, Inappropriate and Genius.
Opheila is once again unimpressed.
August needed one more acquaintance to get his lifetime wish of maxed guitar and charisma, and this is the lucky acquaintance.
Moocher Noel Dweller became an elder.
Quentin got a more doctorly makeover.
Drusilla went home (stinky) with her teenaged Uncle from Sven's affair with Delores Depraved, Terrence.
Starfish's second son is red!
Rosie isn't particularly good with kids, but she never has been.
Brice was just finishing up his 5th novel (after the first was "A Sequel to the Brice Henry Story", "Actually it's a Trilogy" "In the same way that Hitchhiker's Guide was a Trilogy" "Meaning that there are five.") when he began to sparkle.
The family abandoned something in the oven to see 116 year old Brice Henry off.
Luckily they have an alarm installed nowadays.
Though Death was hopeful that someone else would die, no one did.
Quentin found time to comfort his mother over Brice's death.
Novels accomplished, Drusilla and Quentin enjoyed some logic skill building together.
Um. YAY.
I'd been saving up slowly for this particular house, because they were really low on room.
The Bracegirdles arrive at their new abode, huzzah! (The house came with Ambitions, it's very affordable and nice, but the porch is annoying in practice.)