The voting is over so I can post these here for tidiness.
Download (no cc, base game compatible)
Download (base game compatible, this goes in my documents > electronic arts > savedsims)
Lastly but far from leastly,
Cambia Hardbottle, who won the Sims 3 vote! (*squee!* I'm proud of her! & thanks to everyone who voted for her, too!) So you'll be seeing a bit of her if you move in the Sims 3 circles. She is the official Sims 3 Viking Death Squad Legacy Founder. Bam!
Download (base game compatible, this goes in my documents > electronic arts > savedsims)
Go check out the
!viking death squad tag on the
pixel_trade community for more information about the challenge.
You can totally download and play with these simmies whether you're doing the challenge or not, so have at 'em. :)