Savoy Legacy 6.0

Jun 25, 2008 00:52

My name is Neptune. Aptly I spent a great deal of my childhood in the water.

When I was a teenager, I dated around a lot. I kind of wanted to test the proverbial waters, I guess.

I met a lot of girls I really liked.

With a little help from the gypsy matchmaker, of course...

some of the girls liked me more than I liked them...

I had fun with some of them...

some of them just wanted to talk...

& some of them just wanted to kiss, which I was not opposed to in the slightest.

some of them wore too much makeup...

some of them were exchange students...

& some of those exchange students really hated me...

The liked to hang with my grandma in her underwear because she was a former rock god and got them high.

In the midst of my many many first, no repeat dates, I worked hard and made Aye Plusses in school.

Grandpa Russell died on my birthday, which frankly, kind of sucked.

Grandma Colette found it particularly depressing that he wasn't met by hula zombies.

I invited my best girl out of the many over for my birthday, she was about to turn 18 herself...

Her name was Gwen and I was really crazy about her.

I was thrilled to ask Gwen to move in and be my wife. I guess I had tested the waters enough to know that she was the one for me.

We were thrilled when we found out Gwen was expecting. She was such a ray of sunshine throughout her pregnancy.

& I was kind of devastatingly good looking as if I were being viewed some some sort of incredibly awesome graphics card or something.

We eagerly awaited the birth of our baby.

While Grandma Colette took solace in one of her former groupies.

My parents couldn't wait to be called Grandpa Louis...

And Granny Caryl.

I attended to my dearest wife's every need when she began to laborously labor.

Our son, Boobersnatch, was the light of our life, none of us could get enough of him.

Gwen was totally thrilled with her new role as a mother.


I got a new computer and it is FABULOUS.

I'm still getting the hang of things though. It's really beautiful and smooth to play, but I'm not sure about my caps yet.

I'm definitely rushing this legacy, but I'm having a good time, and that's all that matters.

savoy legacy

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