Nov 28, 2009 08:49

Part 1 is here

Ugly Betty:

And lord almighty, he is the most adorable annoying wannabe rapper ever.

Big Fat Liar

He plays Dusty, an over the top director who helps the hero get back at the villain.

American Beauty

A non-speaking role that lasts collectively about 10 seconds!

See This Movie

Cho from beginning to end, it's fabulous. He plays a kind of hesitant guy named Larry who is doing his fucking best to rearrange the seats on the Titanic as it goes down. I've heard tale that some people walk away from this movie shipping Larry with the lead, but the lead is such a raging douche bag I have a hard time fathoming this.

American Dreamz

He plays a scouting agent for an American Idol-esque show. He's the typical yes-man, but it's fairly amusing. He disappears around the 40 minute mark.

Down To Earth

It is a Chris Rock movie.
John Cho's cameos in this make it worth it, though. Like. Sort of. If you can skip scenes.

American Pie
American Pie 2
American Wedding

Well known as what sparked the romance between Cho and the Weitz brothers, his roles in these gradually increase, in the last movie he's actually given a name! I was gonna give it a 1.5 but then John Cho did a body shot off a chick and I was like "wow I enjoyed that a whole half of a head!"

In the first movie, he's in the choir club deal, and I could easily pick out his voice in the singing, if that would make it worth it, you can hear him sing "how sweet it is to be loved by you" like 12 times! Although if that is your area of interest, I def recommend getting his CD.

Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas

He plays the leader of a group of D&D geeks whose life is flipped turned upside down by Bickford's book of cool ideas. It's a short but fun role.

White Castle
Guantanamo Bay

I swear to god these were such a little bitches to upload. THIS MOVIE IS ABOUT TWO GUYS WHO GET HIGH AND WANT TO GO TO WHITE CASTLE! Augh I sort of burned myself out with this so I only did pics for White Castle. I might come back for Guantanamo Bay? ATM I'm just going to bed.

See cause I took over 600 caps of Harold :||| I uploaded them for you guys because just deleting them felt wasteful!

Wag the Dog

This doesn't rank on the John Cho scale at all, which is why there's a picture of a puppy. Fuck I love puppies. Anyway, blink and you'll miss him:

Bam Bam and Celeste

Plays the semi-sleazy host of a make-over show, I got such a kick out of this you guys.

In Good Company

He plays a shoes company rep interested in cross promotion with an alcohol company. It lasts like a solid three minutes.

He and Topher Grace have really similar smiles, I noticed, while watching this. It's something around the eyes.

The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas

I was jazzed as soon as I saw this because I knew he'd be wearing something pretty epic. It did not disappoint.


WELL, he does talk most of the time he's there. But it's all from off screen, he spends 99% of his visible time blurred, behind George Clooney's shoulder, and it sucks because by all appearances he seems to be wearing a very jaunty hat.


He plays a a nightclub cleaner that Steve Martin tricks into allowing him to film illegally in the club. It probably should just be one head, but I gave it half a head because of his shirt and how young he is ;__;

Misc favs:

Be a Nigger Too
Mad TV sketch
No on Proposition 8
People Inside: John Cho 1 2 I really enjoyed this interview.
Making faces a Comic-Con

These are ones I couldn't find online for various reasons, if you have any directions I'd be pretty grateful for them :D

Given up on:
# "The Singles Table" - a clip of this apparently once resided here, but it's dead. A sitcom that never made it past the pilot.

. . . uhm holy crap I just tried that link and it was suddenly working. This is the quality of it though, idk if you want to bother. Cho is pretty funny in it.
# The Men's Room - Sitcom that never aired
# Among Others
# The Tiger Woods Story
# Boston Common
# Daddio - sitcom that aired once
# The Jeff Foxworthy Show
# The Division
# Exchange Value - this is a 24 minute short with only two actors in it, John Cho being one of them. This makes me think it's pretty relevant to my interests, if I could ever find it :*

I've bought these and they're on the way but lol IDK how to rip so D: it won't do anyone else any good:
# West 32nd
# Yellow
# Pavilion of Women
# Shopping for Fangs - I can't wait to get this. Apparently he plays a homosexual photographer, and at the end of the movie he puts on this lady's blonde wig and sunglasses.
# Earth vs. the Spider

# "V.I.P." - I can't find any copies of this and I know that CAN'T be right, there is no way any shred of film that had Pamela Anderson in it is lost while the internet's around. I will find this. It will probably be disappointing and grainy, but now it's a challenge.
# "The Magnificent Seven"

I, uhm, don't think these are real:

# Untitled David Diamond/David Weissman Project
# Family Feud
# Western Avenue
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