Tempo Legacy 5.1 "So Who's Gonna Watch You Die?"

Jul 19, 2012 10:48

Whaaaat!? A short amount of wait between updates!? 'tis true!
I've been playing like mad lately--in fact, I almost have another update in my tumblr queue right now!

Dani announced her pregnancy to Quinn, who was less than thrilled about the news.

Riley: What is wrong, creator?
Quinn: Mommy and daddy are having another baby! I don't want another baby!

Riley: Why is another baby not a good thing? Look at it this way,
the less closely your parents are watching you, the more you can play with me!
Quinn: Hmm, I guess I never thought about it like that!

Quinn: I'm so glad we're friends, Riley!

Riley: How long do you think this "make Riley real" potion is going to take?
Quinn: Patience! Go get me some more vinegar from the kitchen.

Raleigh grew up to be the cutest kid ever and rolled insane.

You know what they say about romantic advances and pregnancy...

Prudence: The baby's coming! Quick, take me to the hospital!

Nathaniel: Will jazz hands help in this situation!?
Prudence: NATHANIEL!

Soon after, twins Sage (right) and Tally (left) were born. 
Sage is easily impressed, and Tally a loner.
They're both neurotic, not to mention adorable.

BFF twins ♥

Since Quinn spends a lot of time with Riley, and his parents with the new twins,
Raleigh spends a lot of time by himself. Not that he's complaining, no no no.

Mari takes some time off from being a full-time grandma
to chill in the city with an ice cream cone.

Soon after the birth of the twins, Dani also went into labor.

She gave birth at home to Uriel Tempo.

He's artistic and loves the outdoors.

Prince: I feel sparkly today. Hmmm...

Prince: Please, Mr. Reaper! I have to stay here and keep Nathaniel in line!
Grim Reaper: Your time is up, Prince.

No amount of begging would change the reaper's mind. Prince was gone. 
Gone, but not forgotten.

Quinn: Riley! I said Chocolate Peanut Butter! You brought me nutella!
Riley: I'm sorry!

Too soon after Prince's death, Marigold also passed on.

Life moves on, though. The twins were getting older and were of school age,
still loved each other like they did as toddlers.
They didn't even mind the stupid matching outfits their sim!god put on them.

Quinn also got older, entering high school with a still-imaginary friend was
no easy feat. She spent a lot of her time trying to look good, but her heart
still belonged to science. She was considering a career in it.

Raleigh turned into a moody teenager, who'd rather spend his days with his
drum set rather than actual people. He didn't like girls much.

Octavius and Dani had another baby, Vada. Octavius adores her.

We end a sad update on a happy note. Thanks for reading!

Follow me on tumblr for early updates!

tempo, sims 3, tempo legacy

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