Nov 15, 2004 16:06
PART I] About You...
+ Name: simran gill most know me as simmy
+ Sex: female
+ Age: 16
+ Location: California
+ Religion: sikhism + Height: 5'5"
+ Shoe Size: 9
+ Hair color: Black
+ Eye color: Brown
+ Fears: to many to list, but mostly of being alone for the rest of my life
+ Good qualities about you: hmmmmm i dont really know
+ Bad Qualities about you: i give in to easyly, i dont know how to say NO
[PART II] Have You Ever...
+ Peed your pants? not that i recall of
+ Fallen off the bed? multiple times
+ Fallen for a relative? can u say ewwwwwwwww
+ Had plastic surgery? never
+ Broke someone`s heart? i would hope not
+ Had your heart broken? ummm yes in a way only they really didnt know
+ Had a dream come true? some
+ Done something you regret?yes i lied to my parents for the first time and go caught
+ Cheated on a test?: can anyone say that they truley havent
+ Broken a body part? nope im to cautious
[PART III] Currently
+ Wearing? sweatshirt and some pajamas
+ Listening to? only one by yellowcard
+ Eating? just ate + Feeling? cant really tell, at moments im sad and then all be happy all of a sudden
+ Reading? re reading the great gatsby (being forced to)
+ Located? bonus room aka computer room
+ Chatting With? all my friends.... duhhhhh
+ Watching? nothing
+ Craving? a honey bun
+ Should REALLY be doing? homework....but who wants to do that one time...psh not me
[PART IIII] Do you...
+ Brush your teeth? Three times a day.
+ Like anybody? more like love anybody
+ Have any piercing? my ears
+ Drive? Yesum
+ Believe in Santa Clause? sorry, i was raised without learning the story. who needs santa clause when u have ur parents. lol
+ Smoke? never plan on it + Drink? this is something i promised myself never ever to do
+ Got a cellphone? yesum
+ Got a pager? nope sorry
[PART V] Friends...
+ Who is your best? u can never say u only have one best friend, anyone who is there for me in the time of need is a grrrreat friend. theres no one like ash and heids. i dont know where i would be without those two
+ Who is the loudest? dawn
+ Who is the shyest? jeffy boy
+ Who is the most talkative? ashley n.
+ Who laughs the most? ME, i laugh at almost anything
+ Who have you known the longest? ashley wilcoxson
+ Who have you known the shortest? julie, kristin, kat, greg and all those moragans. lol
+ Who do you turn to for personal problems? ashley and sometimes even mike
+ Do you only hang out with a certain type? no i am open to talking to anyone and everyone. YAY
+ Do you belong to a crew? IB! repersent!
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? Yes, always
+ Do you consider yourself POPULAR? psh hell naw, im just a dork at heart
+ Do you trust your friends? with my life
+ Are you a good friend? i would hope so, if not they should tell me
+ Can you keep a secret? psh yea right. naw im jk it depends on wat the secret is and how close the person is and what that secret means to them.
Extra Credit Question.... Who deserves the credit for everything good in your life? MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!! and my folks
[PART VI] The last person you...
+ Hugged? my mom
+ Talked to on phone? hmm...cant remember. most likly its ash
+ Yelled at? how about go upset at??? mike
+ Checked out? hmmmm many guys that i cant even remember
+ Fell in love with? cant say... its to much of a secret
+ Tripped On? does the uneven pavement at school count
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? most likely a lawyer... but that might change
+ What was the worst day of your life? the day my grandpa died
+ What is your most embarrassing story? to many to mention
+ What has been the best day of your life? they day i met nick
+ What comes first in your life? my family
+ Turn ons? eyes and smile
+ Turn offs? if u look like u havent taken a when ur a real jerk to girls
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? no idea
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? the guy im madly in love with he makes me so happy and he doesnt even know
+ Did you lose someone you really loved? My Grandparents
+ How many times have you fallen deeply in love? three times and its sucked each and every time except the one right now
+ Love your family? no doubt about it
+ Have you fought? i never really want to get in a physical fight with anyone
+ What are you addicted to? depends on what ur talking about
+ Want to move? yes of course if u lived in tracy, you would know
[PART VIII] Favorite...
+ Movie: aladdin
+ Song: only one by yellow card or fall to peices by avril
+ Band: to many to count
+ Singer: dont really care for one
+ Store: anything works for me
+ Relative: my cuz amy shes the best
+ Sport: bball
+ Vacation Spot: England!!! its the shit
+ Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip
+ Fruit: grapes + Candy: anything not chocolate
+ Food: Mexican
+ Car: mercedes convertable
+ Class: adv. chem. not saying i like it but sha sha and dawn and matt make it go by greatly
+ Holiday: x mas
+ Day of the Week: FRIDAY
+ Color: baby blue
+ Magazine: Anything Intresting.
+ E-zine? ... :P
+ Name for a Girl: jordan
+ Name for a Boy: dont really care
+ Favorite spot for a date: as long as its fun it works for me
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: see above
+ Favorite resturant: by villa i just love their food, ash, heids, tams, and laura, we must go again
+ McDonalds: chicken nuggets "how may i help u" haha julz
+ Burger King: dont care for it
+ In and Out: ummm dont care
+ Wendy's: never been there
[PART IX] Do you...
+ Like to give hugs? I Love to give them.
+ Like to walk in the rain? more like run in the rain its the bestest
+ Prefer black or blue pens? black idk why
+ Dress up on Halloween? sometimes, gotta be in the mood
+ Have a job? does ur parents store count
+ Like to travel? i love it
+ Think you're attractive? who knows
+ Want to get married? if i find the one i want to be with forever
+ Have a goldfish? do the goldfish crackers count
+ Ever have the falling dream? all the time
+ Have stuffed animals? to many to count. im ghetto like that
+ Go on vacation? Yea all the time.
[PART X] What do you think about...
+ Abortion: depends on ur reasoning
+ Bill Clinton: i think he did a good job
+ Smoking: dont like it and i tend to stay aways from those who do
+ Suicide: i really hope no one stoops to that level in life
+ Summer: the vacation is ok but the heat is unbearable
+ Piercing: ears are ok
+ Make-up:none is the way i flow...all natural
[PART XI] This or that...
+ Pierced nose or tongue? nose
+ Single or taken? depends on the situation hehehe
+ MTV or BET? mtv
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? 7th heaven
+ Sugar or salt? Sugar!
+ Silver or gold? either works
+ Chocolate or flowers? flowers
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? black and white, the just capture it in a special way
+ M&M's or Skittles? skittles
+ Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late, the most i sleep in is like 8 am on weekends
+ Hot or cold? COLD=winter=rain + Sun or moon? Moon.
+ Left or Right? Both.
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? how about good friends
+ Mustard or ketchup? Ketsup
+ Spring or Fall? Spring.
+ Give or receive? Give.
+ Happy or sad? Happy but sometimes u cant help but be sad
+ McDonald's or Burger King? Hard one. I say both at the same time :D
+ Mexican or Italian food? Mexican.
+ Lights on or off? On
+ Candy or soda? soda
+ Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi.