The Super Hardcore
- The poster children for the stereotypical Lost fan, these guys take obsession to the next level. While you and I brag about having watched the entire series twice, these hardcore fans have just wrapped up their fourteenth viewing (yes, even "Stranger in a Strange Land"). They've completed all the Lost ARG Web games, paused the action and taken detailed notes every time Daniel Faraday opens his notebook, and would follow Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse off a cliff. If you encounter one in a hallway, avoid eye contact unless you're willing to risk listening to a "Vincent is the Smoke Monster" theory for the next three hours.
The Skaters, Jaters, etc
- Who will Kate get it on with? Who cares? These guys. They don't mind that Kate has turned a deadly plane crash into her own selfish dating game, they just want to see her end up in the arms of Jack (Jaters) or Sawyer (Skaters) because it's her "destiny." Even though the very fabric of our existence is about to explode, they care more about who is locking lips with who. And it isn't just "Jaters" and "Skaters." What about Juliet and Sawyer (Julawyers)? Libby and Hurley (Hurbys)? Juliet, Kate, Ben, and Sawyer (Jubekawyers)? What about the crime-against-nature orgy of "Sawlietackurlayidsunsmokeincents"? If you ever get stranded on an island with one of these types, go ahead and push them in front of a charging polar bear.
The Catching-Up-on-DVD Set
- These guys were turned on to the show well after it began airing, and spent many weekends on the couch in a disgusting heap catching up via Lost marathons on DVD. Not only do they overload their brains and miss key details due to their cram sessions, but they love to talk about where they are in the show with those who are up-to-date. This only leads to awkward one-sided talks about who this Henry Gale guy really is. Please, catch up or shut up
The Angry Lost Fans
- Highly devoted through Season 1, still fans during Season 2, and near-absentees during Season 3, these picky people have had it up to HERE! with Lost. The endless questions, the lack of answers! Who do those producers think they are!? They'll still begrudgingly tune into the show now, but only to remind themselves how right they were to not watch the show in the first place and give them ammunition to tell you why you are an idiot for still watching the show. And don't even get them started on time travel or parallel realities, because it will give them a stroke.
The Eternally Confused and Faithful
- These fans, which appear to be a middle-of-the-road majority, freely admit that they are confused by what's going on-but they don't care. Loyal to the program and filled with faith that everything will come around eventually, they don't mind that the show's questions are answered with more questions, because "OMG did you see that last cliffhanger?" These are fans who simply take the show for what it is: quality television entertainment. No conspiracy theories, no real annoying habits, just fans of good moving pictures. Come to think of it, they're pretty boring.
I think it's safe to say that i am the 5th one. Proud! I would ask the reader, which one are you BUT i feel people who watch Lost don't read my blogs so there we 'ave it.