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Comments 7

carisma_sensei January 14 2012, 12:59:01 UTC
I hope everything goes well for you, don't worry for us! Sims can wait :3


simmply_anna February 6 2012, 19:05:17 UTC
Thank you! And just as an update, things are definitely looking up for me. :3


kittenmittons January 17 2012, 04:00:51 UTC
Okay, first of all, Gage is not my favourite ghost. That honour goes to Markus. Markus, you hear? Because even as a ghost, he has a mullet and a beard. Does Gage have that? Didn't think so. (I still love Gage.) Second, when you said Fluffy spends a lot of times "skilling his little heart out," I thought you said skiing and now I want to cry because sims can't ski and they should be able to. IMAGINE THE ANIMATIONS! Like, if a snowboarder falls on his/her butt. It would be amazing. Um.

Is it wrong if I hope that this wasn't the last baby of generation five solely because I think it's kind of hilarious to see Kaleo get used and abused over and over again? I don't think that's wrong.

Oh, and TEAM TEACUP. Maybe if Snuggle had been snuggled as a child, I would be more Team Snuggle, but that never happened so . . .

Also, I have a really big gif for you because je t'adore!

... )


simmply_anna February 6 2012, 19:08:55 UTC
I have no amazing gifs to share with you because I'm at my parents and my only internet is through my phone. CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE ARE STILL PLACES IN THIS COUNTY WITHOUT INTERNET?! *le gasp*

Do you want to know why I haven't responded to this until now? It's because I feel guilty. I have something to share with you about Markus. *takes deep breath* He's disappeared. I KNOW IT'S AWFUL BUT WHEN THEY MOVED HIS GRAVESTONE JUST VANISHED AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO MY BBY MARKUS IS GONE FOREVER *incoherent sobbing*

Guess what though? I love you. It's true. *high five*

Thanks for the Fassy gif. I especially love that at the moment in this gif, George Clooney - the epitome of sexy older men - is telling Fassy that he could golf with his penis. Favourite!

Also, I'm Team Teacup too but don't tell anyone. And, don't tell anyone either but it's not the last baby of this generation. DAMMIT I DIDN'T PLAN FOR THAT HOWEVER! >:(


(The comment has been removed)

simmply_anna February 6 2012, 19:09:43 UTC
Right? He just needs some hugs and love. Poor guy must hate his life.

And thanks! I'm glad you like it! IRL things have gotten much better for me and are definitely looking up, thanks for the concern. :)


tiptoehappiness February 6 2012, 16:34:30 UTC
Really enjoying your legacy, was behind till now since I have been having major comp drama!

But omgz Teacup just stole my heart <3

So sorry your dad isn't doing well :/ *hug* But can't wait to see pictures of your new puppy!


simmply_anna February 6 2012, 19:10:56 UTC
Computer drama is pretty much the worst thing ever. I had the same problem like a month ago and it was hell.

<3 eeeee Teacup stole my heart too. She's just so cute and sweet!

And thank you, he's actually doing much better now. He still needs one more chest x-ray but things are really looking up which is a huge weight off my shoulders. :)


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