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Comments 10

cptnindecision May 29 2010, 19:37:26 UTC
Thank you for allowing us to download her. She is to freaking cute not to have in my own game!


kittenmittons May 15 2011, 19:22:50 UTC
Oooh, yay, I'm super-excited to see the new family members up and will unabashedly steal them all! XD

Do you happen to know where Cupcake's and Fluffy's hairstyles come from? No worries if you're not sure - I'm sure they'd rock any hairstyle, but I do adore the looks they're already rocking.

Thank you! ♥


simmply_anna May 15 2011, 19:56:15 UTC
Fluffy's hair is a store hair, I admit. I hate the store but I really like some of the stuff on there. :( so I bought a bunch of points and went on a spree. D: Uhm...Cupcake's...hmm. Okay, I went and scoured MS3B for it, and Cupcake's hair is one of Raonjena's donation hairs...but I may have gotten it from the booty. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not admitting anything.


kittenmittons May 19 2011, 05:55:35 UTC
Thank you; you are amazing!

I have a hate on for the store as well, but I do still have a ton of free points from registering my games or something. Plus, I was planning to buy some male hairstyles anyway, since there's actually some decent ones there, so that works out perfectly for me. XD I may or may not have to check out the booty as well. No committal response here!


simmply_anna May 19 2011, 18:33:06 UTC
Noooooo problem :)

Yea, I hate the idea of paying for their shit, but at the same time, I don't always like the style of objects, but they are the nicest quality and don't look funky in game. Gah, those bastards. Anyway, yes! Free points certainly comes in handy. Booty? What booty? I don't know of any booty. *whistles*


holleyb76 May 15 2011, 22:11:58 UTC
I need me a Cupcake!


simmply_anna May 19 2011, 18:33:16 UTC


jossoco October 13 2011, 21:03:52 UTC
Stealing Pumpkin and Freckles :)


simmply_anna October 13 2011, 21:06:28 UTC
Enjoy them! :)


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