Time for a new alarm clock...

Nov 18, 2003 21:58

Well my first mistake was taking an 8 AM class 4 days a week. My second was buying an alarm clock that doesnt have a snooze button.

I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for classes in September. I was so young, so naive, to think that getting up early in college would be as easy as it was in high school. I now treasure the few hours of sleep that I get and am highly angered when my annoying alarm goes off at 7:15 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Just ask my room mate and good friend, Miss Beth Bloom (who, by the way, is currently laughing so hard I think she might have a heart attack). Anyways...just ask her how much I sleep. I start reading...I fall asleep. We start watching a movie...I fall asleep. A couple hours between classes...I fall asleep. And no, I'm not sick. I just like sleep. ANYWAYS...back to my story...

Now last night, I'm not 100% positive that I actually set my alarm. There is quite the possibility that I forgot to push the little ON button last night. There is also the possibility that I set it for 7:15 PM. I was tired...anything was possible. The bottom line is that my alarm did not go off this morning. Or remember how I said that it didn't have a snooze button? The third possibility is that it DID go off, and I just turned my alarm off, promising myself that I would get up in just a few minutes. I really dont know. So I guess the bottom line is that I didn't wake up at 7:15 this morning. I did not wake up at 7:30. I didn't even wake up at 7:45. Before I tell you what time I did wake up at...let me just tell you that I live about 6 blocks off campus and it takes a good 10 minutes to get to class (on a good-paced bike ride...15 if I walk). Anyone care to guess what time my blues eyes finally decided to open? 7:50!!! I looked at our wall clock (which is really cool by the way) and I couldn't really see the hands... I thought it said 7:50. I grabbed my alarm clock...7:50!!! Oh Shit...the exact words that crossed my mind at that time. Now, normally I would have just said screw math and went back to sleep. But today was a turn-in-homework-day. Turn-in-homework-days are not good days to miss. I need all the easy points I can get in that class!

So I ran the entire 5 feet to my closet and put some pants on. Then ran to my desk and threw on the sweatshirt that was hanging over the back of my chair. Luckily my books were still in my bag from yesterday so I grabbed my bag, a piece of gum and got my butt out the door, down the stairs and to the bike cage as fast as my legs would take me. I happened to glance at my watch (which I must have worn to bed, because I certainly did not have time for details such as watches in my hurry). It was now 7:55. I rode like the wind to math class and made it in record time. I locked up my bike, sprinted up the stairs and entered my class just as the clock turned to 8:00. I casually walked to the front of the class to turn in my homework and...guess what?? MY HOMEWORK WAS BACK IN MY ROOM, SITTING ON MY DESK!!! ummm...not really. I was just kidding, but that would really suck if it was true! I casually walked to the front of the class, turned in my homework and calmly took my seat in front of Maria and next to Ashley and Phil, aka, scooter boy. My crazy teacher then began class and I sat down ready to learn some new and exciting math that I will most likely be able to use in the real world. I when I say that, I really mean that I sat down and made some pretty pictures in the corners of my paper while occasionally taking a few notes.

The lesson I learned from all of this? I NOW KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE TO WAKE UP 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLASS STARTS AND STILL MAKE IT ON TIME!! I also learned that I should probably invest in a new alarm clock...one with a snooze button that will wake me up every 5 minutes until I finally get my lazy ass out of bed.

Oh yeah...I love Chad Michael Murray <3 <3 <3
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