Sep 17, 2003 23:18
You know it's been too long since you've updated when 1)you have forgotten the password to log in and 2)live journal has updated their website and it takes some time to figure out where to go once you finally remembered your password.
Anyways...the update. Since I know you have all been sitting at the edge of your seat each and every day for the past month wondering what on earth I have been up to. Riiiiight. I guess an update of the past month would be pretty boring because I have done a whole lot of NOTHING. Done some dorm room shopping, a little scrapbooking (of my France trip from last summer), oh...and cleaning out my pantry. And I don't mean sitting on my butt and eating all day. I mean literally cleaning out my pantry. And for any of you who have ever been to my house, gotten a little hungry and made your way over to this pantry, you will know that this was no easy task. It took a good 4-5 hours to take everything out, find out what food was still good and what food had been sitting in there since we moved in when I was in 3rd grade, and then put everything back in in a nice orderly fashion. It wasn't the most exciting of things to do, but somebody had to do it!
So what else has been going on in this exciting life of mine? ummmm....camping? that was pretty fun. There was some good times over at the Oregon coast last weekend. We had an interesting visitor one night. Gaston, or "Gaston Gator *abunchofmumbledjumbledwordsthatnobodycouldunderstand* rock 'n' roll star" Yeah...that guy was cool. Slightly on the creepy side, but cool none the less. He just came up to our campsite when we were sitting around the campfire Saturday night and asked if he could see our tent...uhh ok? Then asked if he could hang around and have a smoke and tell us some stories. After one story he went to go get a beer and then came BACK to tell more. I'm sure he was completely harmless, but some of us were a little more than freaked out when he continued to hang around. Granted he was drunk off his ass and probably just messing with us and now that I look back on it, it was actually really funny. But at the time it was scary. Trust me. I have to include a few quotes from this weekend. Most are from Gator, with one from our favorite friend'll know which one it is!
"Where did you get this [silver chain] from?"
"I bought it. Just like I bought my van, just like I bought my clothes, just like I bought my wife, just like i bought my dog. Except this lighter. I fuckin stole this!"
"My family tree don't fork - it just goes straight up. I'm married to my grandma, don't ask me how that works"
"I think there's a word for that"
"haha. that one was funny. it made ya laugh didn't it?"
"you're funny. the joke was terrible, but you're funny"
"are we playing that one game 'copy the person in front of you'?
"uhhh...follow the leader?"
eh...there were more. Chris remembers alot. He does a real good impression of Gator. Chris and I were buddies this weekend. I'm gonna miss my boys. Probably more than most people (with the exception of Sarah) because they are the only people I've really hung out with this summer that I'm not going to school with next year. Actually...they're the only ones I've really hung out with period. We have had some good times this summer, but I am so ready to get outta here!!! Beth and I went to Eugene last week to check out our room and it just made me even more excited to go. It it so amazing and I'm really excited to move in. I got my books while we were down there too. I have FIVE english books, two journalism books and a $100 math book that I had to buy new cause it was a new freakin edition. It said I had a weight training book too...whatever. Luckily all the english and journalism books were cheap and all seven of them combined were less expensive than my math book. Crazy. Well I think I am done rambling on for now. So until next month when I finally decide to update again. See ya! last thing...I move to Eugene Thursday the 25th, bright and early. (my mom's birthday...Happy Birthday Mom - I'm movin out!) So give me a call if I haven't seen you all summer. Or even if I have, call me anyways. more thing again...KYLE COMES HOME FRIDAY AND I'M REALLY REALLY EXCITED TO SEE HIM!!!!! a boola boola boola ;)