It's been a while...

Jun 23, 2003 19:32

OK, so last time I updated we hadn't even graduated! Now I don't even know where to start, so much has happened! Graduation obviously - that went very well. I'm sure most of you were there, so I probably don't need to get too much into that. All I have to say is it doesn't even feel like it's over. Just last week it finally started to feel like summer to me, but it seems weird that next year we won't all be going back to Sprague. Anyways - did a few of the grad parties that weekend, softball won the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!!! ummm, what else? SUNRIVER! That was so much fun!! Vanessa and I drove over Monday night and Amy, Kyle, Chris, Michael and Reed were there. I think we just hung out the first night since V and I got there kinda late - watched some Family Guy oh...and had a huge water fight in the house that Vanessa and I started. haha, it was fun! We tied a rubber band around the hose thing in the sink, Chris turned the water on and the water sprayed in his face and it was downhill from there. There were water bottles over heads, water balloons and even a trash can full of water being thrown around. Tuesday Vanessa, Amy and I went to the pool a good part of the day - I got absolutely fried, sort of like when we went to the beach on senior skip day, except all over since I was wearing my swimsuit. That night Caleb, Ryan, Tyler, Brent and Driskell came over, but I went to stay at Maggie's with her, Michelle, Flynne and Sarah. It was pretty fun, we didnt really do anything except watch some model show on tv. Then we were getting ready for bed and I fell asleep in the room with the bunk beds and about a half hour after I had been asleep, they definitely came in and asked me to go sleep in another room so the four of them could sleep in there. I said screw it - you go sleep in another room and left the next morning to go have breakfast/lunch with the other group. They had been having lots of fun the night before and so I heard all the stories from that. So yeah, Sunriver was fun. The rest of the week was pretty relaxing - it was just me, Amy, Kyle and Chris by Wednesday evening and we just hung around - did some bike riding, watched Family Guy, played video games, watched Family Guy, had another water fight, watched Family Guy...oh, and we watched some Family Guy. They all left Friday morning and I stayed until Saturday with my family at my grandparents house. They came over friday afternoon for my sister's soccer tournament and stayed until Sunday night, but I drove home by myself Saturday morning cause I was tired of being over there.

So what else has been going on lately? I've pretty much just been hanging out. Mostly with Resch, Vanessa when she's not working, Amie, Kyle, Aaron, Chris, Tyler, Caleb, Ryan ... that whole gang and whoever else happens to stop by Kyle's house. Lots of good times with those friends. Friday night Kyle had a going away party. It was supposed to be just the boys until midnight so we had a girls night and went to dinner, did some hot tubbing at Krystan's, then about 10:30 we get a call "you guys can come over now cause we're kinda bored" So we headed over there about 11. It was fun. Caleb and I had a long conversation that night...well it was probably morning by then, but whatever. He is a very easy person to talk to - we seriously talked for so long! Saturday was another going away party for Kyle. He's only been gone for a day, but I seriously miss him so much already! We really only became friends last year, but especially this year, we've gotten to be really good friends. I know the marines are going to be awesome for him and I think it's really cool that he's doing this, but I'm going to miss that kid so much this summer! But he'll be back for a week in September and then for good by Christmas so we'll all be excited to have him back!

Okay, well now that I've rambled on for forever and a day, I think i've pretty much covered everything since I last updated and then some. Oh...last night a group of us girls (and megan's boyfriend) definitely went to go see From Justin to Kelly. haha it was the funniest thing I have seen for a long time. And by funny, I mean so incredibly ridiculous, that we were laughing the entire time! And dancing down the aisles when they would bust out into song since we were the ONLY group in the whole theater! So yeah, just thought I would mention that. Hope you all are having a wonderful summer and if I havent seen you yet, why the heck havent you called me to hang out???
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