(no subject)

Apr 08, 2011 02:48

Gaza statistics:

------------------------------- 1967 -------- 2005
Population --------------------- 390 K ------ 1400 K
Life expectancy -------------- 45 years ----- 72 years
Infant mortality ---------------- 179 ---------- 21
No. of universities and colleges --- 0 ----------- 7

* 1967 is a year when Israel entered Gaza, 2005 when left
* During 20 years of Egyptian rule in Gaza life expectancy grew by 2 years.
* During next 20 years of Israeli rule in Gaza life expectany grew by 20 years.

* Islamic University of Gaza (1978)
* Al-Aqsa University (1991)
* Al-Quds Open University (1991)
* Al-Azhar University Gaza (1992)
* Palestine Technical College (1992)
* Universal Studies Academy (2000)
* University of Palestine (2003)


The average daily wage in 2009 reached 91.3 NIS (23.5$) in the Palestinian Territory; while it reached 84.4 NIS (21.7$) in the public sector, 77.0 NIS (19.8$) in the private sector, 148.1 NIS (38$) in Israel and Israeli settlements.

Regarding average monthly wage in 2009 by education level, the highest for wage employees was for those who have bachelor degree or higher with 2,814 NIS (725$) distributed as 3,070 NIS (790$) in the West Bank and 2,259 NIS (580$) in the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, the lowest average monthly wage in 2009 in the Palestinian Territory was recorded for employed persons with education level as preparatory or less with 2,224 NIS (570$) distributed as 2,435 NIS (625$) in the West Bank and 1,115 NIS (290$) in the Gaza Strip.


Зарплаты врачам и учителям выплачивает палестинская администрация, находящаяся в Рамалле, не власти ХАМАСа. Зарплата врача составляет от 900 до 1000 долларов в месяц.


CIA Factbook:

Infant mortality rate (2011 est):

Afghanistan 149.20
Pakistan 63.26
Iran 42.26
Indonesia 27.95 
Egypt 25.20
Turkey 23.94
Brazil 21.17
Gaza Strip 17.12


Life expectancy at birth (2011 est):

Gaza Strip 73.92Egypt 72.66

Brazil 72.53
Turkey 72.50
Indonesia 71.33
Iran 70.06
Russia 66.29
Pakistan 65.99
Afghanistan 45.02


Literacy, total population (2011 est):

Gaza Strip 92.4%
Indonesia 90.4%
Brazil 88.6%
Turkey 87.4%
Iran 77%
Egypt 71.4%
Pakistan 49.9%
Afghanistan 28.1%


Газа, палестинцы

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