Hey all! Since I got disqualified from the Founder Challenge ( ;__; ), I have more time to play the other families I have! This one is the Rynheart Legacy - I stole the name from my boyfriend, since he uses it all the time for his D&D characters, and it sounded cool. (I believe it's from the D&D novels, I'm blanking on them XD; Oh well...) ANYWAY.
And yes, I know the teaser pic is the wrong number. Deal. XP
Warnings: 150+ pics, one censored nudity pic, and slight cursing under the cut!
This is the first thing I get when play starts. What could she possibly be frustrated with?
WHAT THE HELL. >__< Man, you are RETARDED!
(about 15 real-time minutes later, I figured out that the incline to the beach was too steep for her to go "Watch Waves",
but the thought bubble threw me. I guess it should have been the "Too Steep" bubble. BAH. (Just a side note: this
beach lot doesn't last much longer. Constant "TOO STEEP" and lag from the ocean made me want to cry. ;_; ))
And the obligatory close-up of the founder. I kinda was inspired by
dothesmustle's founder for the Founder
Challenge, and decided that for this legacy, the ears would be a main point for choosing an heir. Sort of like the
Matriarchy/Patriarchy Challenge, just...Elf ears instead. XD Plus, how can you not love elf ears? :3
Anyway. Stats.
Tali Rynheart
Knowledge // Become Education Minister
10 Neat
7 Outgoing
7 Active
1 Serious
0 Grouchy
Turn Ons // Brown Hair and High Cooking skill
Turn Off // Unemployment
Mean Sims.... >D
This is Bast. She is Tali's kitty helper. (Although, sadly, she and her Generation 2 offspring don't stick around. For
some unknown reason, my Sims just CANNOT follow directions to keep their pets healthy. They got taken away
TWICE. So I just gave up after that. ;__; maybe they'll be back later)
And, of course, this is the required pic of her shack. It looks nice though. :/
This would be the Kitchen part of the Kitchen/Dining/Living/Bedroom part of the house. :D
This would be the rest of it. That poor food dish sticks out like sore thumb... XD
And this would be the bathroom, obviously. That toilet doesn't match, either... :/
She somehow looks fierce even when she's only making lunch meat sandwiches. You go girl! :O
The next thing she does, however, is not so safe, and she's not the one being fierce. (Although...the name of
Noodle isn't exactly fierce... XD)
Tali...if you turn into a werewolf, I'm disowning you :O NOT THIS EARLY!
Then THIS happened. WTF. That's just creeeepy. (Anyone know what happened here? It went away, but it still
scared me...) It could have been a cute picture ;__;
Also wanted to point out some of the WEIRD fashion sense my Townies have. XD I want the Pimp in my legacy.
Tali got a job on the second day, and look! Promotions already! You rock!
Tali: :D
She celebrates by sunbathing. I put in a little set of stairs, and she could finally get to the beach. :/
Later that night, she called up the Matchmaker and tried to find her future spouse.
She failed. Hardcore.
So then she headed Downtown. MOAR FAILING!
....The old man is a pedo. -___-
Red-Haired Chick: Is that old geezer checking me out? :O
Tali ignored the Pedo and had a good time being the DJ. She did okay, and brought some money home to make
up for spending the last of her cash on the MatchFailer.
This is about...day 4, I think. THIS IS THE WELCOMING COMMITTEE! O_O *headdesk*
The brown-haired guy was actually attractive, minus his Day-Glo attire. YAY! (The hair, stubble, and facial structure
is actually uncannily similar to my friend Jeff. Even the hat! :D)
After being greeted, he proceeded to follow Tali all over the place, and stalked her throughout her dinner. Even
though I had already directed her to "Say Goodbye". STALKER!
Stalker (whose name is Ocean!) finally left and Tali went to work. When she got back, she passed out. 5 feet
from her bed. FAIL.
Why, hello there Ocean Day-Glo!
Tali's face got stuck like that for HOURS! But hey, dancing is SERIOUS BUISNESS!
She invited him over again, and they went down to the beach to watch the moonlit waves, and he autonomously
gave her a backrub...
Which led to kissing...
Which traveled inside, where Tali copped a feel. Ocean is also frozen for some reason in the above 3 pictures,
he arrived like that on the lot. Silly Ocean. :3
Yay, promotion the next day! :D She looks quite pleased with herself!
Tali: :D :D :D
We interrupt the normal flow of the update to bring you...
Continuing on...
Me, being retarded, accidentally deleted a portion of the pictures showing Ocean moving in, all the fantastic garbage
in his inventory that was sold, and a few cute pics of them holding hands and such. ;__; Sorry. Anyway, this house
is the result of the $5,000 Ocean brought + his stuff, and Tali's promotion money. And Bast's money as well. :D
Enjoy my censorship! Give me 400 babies!
Ocean: Oh god, my nakedness is breaking my concentration! D:
(Yes. He is naked. Chess board provides adequate cover, yes?)
Oh yeah. Ocean's stats:
Ocean Siew
Family // Raise 1 Puppy or Kitten
6 Neat
5 Shy/Outgoing
8 Active
3 Serious
3 Grouchy
Turn Ons // Underwear and Makeup
Turn Off // Formalwear
:D You better be!
Ocean: Tali, will you marry me?
Tali: For a rock this shiney, sure! :D
Ocean: Oh god, she's crazy...
Tali then quickly tied the knot for the second time and they got married. :D Yay!
That bump isn't from the pizza. >D
...I've never had a sim do that before. But then, I didn't realize that for them to access the window in the first place
it has to face inside. :P It's an adorable action, though.
Oh hi there stray who's name I forgot! You can have kittens with Bast! :D
(It's actually a breed I downloaded...didn't know they showed up as strays)
D'aaaaww! :3
(And note Ocean's new kickass clothes. :D No more Day-Glo for you!)
Tali: Oh god, it hurts so bad...what did I EAT?!
...It wasn't the food, luv. >D
Meet Arianna! She's got Ocean's hair and eyes, and a mix of their skintones. (<3 geneticized skins...)
Yes, babies get stinky, dear. Deal with it. You're going to be having more >D And Kudos to you, Ocean, for taking
care of her all by yourself, even if you got the signals wrong XD
What are you rolling around like a nutcase for?
Super Sparkle Birth!
....that's just creepy, Star. =___=;
D'aaaw! *snuggles Cosmo*
Star: Whatchu snuggling him for? No luvs for me? ;_;
Go Cosmo, go! You can get it! :P
....<3 A+ !
Ocean also had a ridiculous Creativity score, so we started on Tali's Founder Portrait.
All done!
Baby making time now, yes? :D :D :D
Birthday time!
Way to scar your kid for life, Tali. -__-
O___O She's adorable. <33
*is dead from the cuteness*
She's got the ears too! Yay! :3
Arianna Rynheart
7 Neat
10 Outgoing
8 Active
1 Serious
0 Grouchy
Heh...yay. Mean sim!
Ocean: Wheee! Fly, Arianna, flyyyy! :D
Arianna: *glee* Flyyyy!
Potty training faces never fail to amuse me. XD
And this never fails to be adorable.
Arianna: Good potty :3 *pats*
// Adorable Arianna Spam!! \\
Cosmo: ...what the hell?!
Cosmo: Unhand me or I'll cut you >(
// End Spam \\
Ocean, have I expressed my love to you yet? <33 You really are a good parent.
Ocean: *Tells stories about cars*
Arianna: *ponders what her daddy is doing with the right side of his body*
*melts into puddle of goo*
She's so cute! And so is Ocean for being such a good daddy! :P
Success! >D
Oh, right. Pop away then. :D
*insert "pop!" picture here*
Look who decided to grow up!
They're twins. Yay. XD
(BTW: that would be Ocean's first LTW. His new one is to become Minister of Education o.O)
And they immediately hate eachother. =_____=; Every five minutes, I swear.
Cliche!Pop 2
...this does not bode well. D:
:D Yay Ocean, I love you! (By the way, he's in the Slacker Career, he was about halfway through it when he moved in)
I got him a job in the education career at this point.
Birthday time again! The kid in the background has no idea what's going on. XD
Hello there gorgeous! Why'd your hair-color change? oO;
I gave her a makeover, she boo'd it, then passed out. But there it is. XD
What's this now? When did you get in here?
:D yay?
Hello baby #2!
Hello Ocean, who couldn't give a shit his wife just gave birth to two of his children right behind him.
....I see what you did there, Tali.
NICE TRY. You have to take care of it. You gave birth to it. >D
Fortunately, Ocean finished his shower and saved the day, and Asher! He's got mommy's hair and daddy's eyes,
and a mix of their skins, I think.
This is Anastasia, same as her twin, but different skintone.
<3 <3 <3 And she isn't stinky!
Meanwhile, Arianna is nerding it up in the kitchen. I love her so much. XD
Apparently, Tali was also nerding it up outside on the telescope...
Tali: What's that weird noise and light?
Ocean: *oblivious*
Tali: Uh.... :<
Ocean: Oh crap! D:
Tali: :O AHHH!
Tali: *faceplants*
Tali: Uh, god, why do I hurt so much?
Tali: :O They didn't....no, they did! D:
Tali: I'm so ashamed...
Tali: They better watch it, if they ever come around again I will CUT THEM. >(
Tali: *still has a good memory of it* (Silly Knowledge sims)
What's that, Ocean?
Ocean: Aww...wish they had taken me instead.
Me too, buddy. Me too. XD
Arianna: Ugh, just touching this makes me feel horrible...
....that's probably bad.
Arianna: I fail. Sucks to be me.
Hello, gorgeous! *has Arianna greet her*
Oh, WAY TO GO! Cough all over her AND your infant. Bonus points! >O
Just a cute shot of a family breakfast before the twins grow up. :D
Twins Birthday!
In both of these shots, Arianna couldn't care less. XD
Hi there Asher, nice outfit. XD You are adorable, but no ears. Sorry, babe!
You can still be made to look cuter (no fug hair, kthnx) <3
Asher Rynheart
6 Neat
7 Outgoing
10 Active
7 Playful
3 Grouchy
Anastasia: Guys! WTF GUYS! I HAVE NO HAIR! >O ...Guys?
....aww! (Guess I have a gitched/missing hair..) At least we can see she has the ears! XD
ssdkdfslfkd SO CUTE! *squees*
Anastasia: Bitch, quit your squeeing or I will END YOU. >(
O_O Well then.
I already love you. xD
Anastasia Rynheart
10 Neat
10 Outgoing
8 Active
1 Serious
0 Grouchy
Bast had another kitten by way of the Baby Pet Creator statue. Getting pets to like each other is a pain. >/
Anyway, that's Nova.
Arianna: *kissy-faces Nova*
Nova: *baps her face*
Awww! Snuggle for the win!
And Star/Cosmo, you fail. You'll suffocate that way. =___=;
>O Seriously!
That's a working trash compactor, right there next to it. XD They fail so hardcore...
Aww...so quiet and well-mannered...
Arianna, on the other hand, is a bitch. XD But we could already see that coming. XD
// Toddler Fight ..... GO! \\
*hates on random pet food glitch*
Anastasia: Bitch, if you know what's good for you, you'll GIVE ME THE BOTTLE! I WILL END YOU! >(
Wow. Angry toddler.
// End Toddler Fight \\
Why don't you change her diaper instead of teaching her to walk? She'll learn longer if she's happy...
Lol, poor Nova.
Nova is saved! Someone turned on the radio and Asher started dancing. XD So cute!
Arianna: Mom! Mom! Hey mom! MOOOOOM! A+!
Tali: Yay! :D
Aww, Bast got old. She looks very distinguished, even though she's a cat. :3
Birthday time again! hey Asher!
Your cuteness hurts me ;__;
Go, Anastasia, go!
Anastasia: :D
Still cute! She looks distinctly Asian. That's probably because she ended up with the asian skintone by Enayla,
which is part of the geneticized set I have. Looks good though.
Nova: *bamfs*
Hey cutie!
(I miss you ;__;)
Arianna: Awesomesauce! :D
Time for Arianna to grow to teenhood and puberty! :O Oh noes!
:O She's gorgeous. <333
She rolled Family with a LTW to Raise 1 Puppy or Kitten.
So EVERYONE in the household wanted to "Go Fishing" all at the same time, all of the sudden. So I made them
a nice pond. Here is Tali immediately after I was done. Anxious, no?
Anastasia, I love you...
Tali, why don't you say anything to your poor husband? =__=
Oh snap, son!
Oh, thank god it was only one. o__o; Meet Artemis. Dad's coloring + mixed skintone.
Who is immediately grown up for my sanity, and also for easier time with sending them all to college later.
Why do you make things so hard for me? ;__;
Artemis Rynheart
10 Neat
7 Outgoing
8 Active
1 Serious
4 Grouchy
Ocean teaches him to talk so that he's Platinum, then he grows up again.
Still cute! <3
Skilling party for 4, please! :3
No idea who you are or how you got in the house (probably the kids' friend), but you can stay, okay? :)
Artemis finally got his makeover.
I'm going to to bang my head on a wall, the desk , and every other hard surface I can find. CURSE YOU ALL AND YOUR
LOL.Tali, I love your facial expressions. And congrats. You're awesomesauce. XD
Twins birthday time again! On to teenagerhood!
Anastasia: *whispers* I'm going to be heir, so wish that Arianna and Artemis grow up fugly! Or I will end you!
*cracks up*
He rolled Knowledge with a LTW to Become a Space Pirate.
Anastasia: OH GOD THE PAIN!
...Nice outfit.
But you're still gorgeous! DAMN YOU!
She rolled Knowledge with a LTW to Become a Cult Leader (XD IT FITS SO WELL!)
*grows up Artemis too, so they can all go to college together*
Artemis: Hey ladies! *winks*
Guh. <3
He rolled Knowledge (JEEZUS!) with a LTW to Max 5 Skills
I used a seperate program to randomize thier asperations...
No makeovers, that happens when they move to college immediately.
So. That's that. Next update will be their college experience and I'll pick an heir. I'd like your opinions on who should be heir, but
ultimately I'll be picking my own choice. ^^
As always, comments/criticism/cookies are welcome, wanted, and appreciated! That way I can make my legacies more fun! :D
Thanks for reading!! <33