Aeros Legacy: 1.8

May 27, 2015 13:55

Not much happened last episode, but to recap in general:
Eldest son, Binary, is at college while the remaining 5 children are at home, growing, playing, etc.  Ariana
conitues to try to burn down tha house, and both she and Static are struggling to climb
their little work ladders.

Upon returning to the Aeros house, the two youngest children grow up. Brahe, the baby, ages to toddler
while her sister, Bya, ages to child.

SInce growing to child himself, Baryon's siblings weren't
quite as doteful has they once were. He had spent many MANY hours playing alone!

But he wasn't always completely alone...

Nevertheless, Baryon was quite happy to have someone his age to play with!

While the children played, Static took care of Brahe so that Ariana could work on getting
that next raise!

Brahe enjoyed exploring the world she could now crawl about in, but spent most of her time playing with
her little spaceship.

Pretty soon, it was time for Blue Moon and Bolide to head to college, both deciding to attend Brainania
(Mootilda; like their older brother.

The next day, both Baryon and Ariana were to have a birthday. Ariana, feeling she was not quite ready to
grow old, bought a potion to keep her youth just a tad longer.

Feeling quite rejuvenated, she set up for Baryon's party.

After Baryon grew up, Bya spent more time with her mother. Unfortunately, in doing so, she also
picked up one very bad habit of Ariana's....

Perhaps little Brahe will defeat the cooking beast that has claimed the Aeros family?

[And that's a wrap!]

mootilda, time-paradox, aeros legacy, voleste

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