(no subject)

Aug 01, 2009 00:13

happy 20th/21st birthay 황미영 ((:

trying to hide her tears after talking bout her mum

voted no.1 best thighs, HAHAHA


i think she looks really pretty here ((:

happy birthday fany! the cute eyes smile woman, my first love in snsd but somehow yuri stole my heart not long after, hahaha
Thanks fany for being so awesome over the past year, you have been great!
Fany, the bubbly girl who gets weak at the mention of the word "mum", someone who practices her singing till her she gets sick and someone who stays back to perfect her dancing when everyone else is gone and thats fany for you (:
Just want to tell you that i really love your husky voice, its awesome (Y) but please do take care of yourself more, heck the people who bashes you as and when cause sones are here for you and i love you for who you are!
I am really happy whenever you log on to soshified, so keep coming on! ((:
and happy birthday miyoung! ((:

this is really cool (:

jeti ((:

and bonus yulti, the mcs of mucore yo ((:


ps:and finally my posts can be seen in the friends page, and its all thanks to amenoireis

birthday, snsd

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