(no subject)

Jun 04, 2009 00:33

HAPPY 23rd birthday yozzzz
박유천 생일축하합니다

picspam starts now (:

time for some young just debut yoochun, hes so cute at this stage (:


american gangsta days...

epic fanboy moment

HAHAHAH i know you wanna laugh, just laugh

he looks extremely skinny here

k this looks better but main point is his shoulders, WAHAHAHA

some random pictures...

"hey you want me, i want you" HAHAHA imitating junsu speaking english

yayyy i guess theres 23 solo pictures of him already (:

YOOSU couple

HAHAHA dorks

JAECHUN soulmate


and of course my 2 favourite members of dbsk (;

happy birthday yoochun! firstly please snip off your current hair, HAHA 
love your 섹시 voice, your 섹시 shoulders, your dorkiness, your smile and everything else!
You are special and unique in every way, someone who can make a pair of slippers looks like its the trendiest thing ever
love you plenty ((:

유천 화이팅!

birthday, dbsk

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