(no subject)

Mar 07, 2009 00:55


i think hes pretty, pretty boy too! stay pretty leader of ftisland ^^

and oh gosh, suju's 33 secs teaser is out, total wowzzz, the song is catchy, i tihnk i will replay it 50 times just like what i did to gee, just cant wait t get my albums, wahahhahaha

13th MARCH comeback stage, 13 babeh, yes 13 which is next friday, friday the 13 on music bank, oh my i need watch it live if i can and if snsd can win the 9th consecutive no.1, i will love that episode of mubank, power of 9 and only 13 comeback, WAHAHAHHA!

oh yes looking manlier than ever, sungmin teukie looks cool, kibum slim down, and kangin just totally looks fatter than shindong, HAHA!

SM REIGNS! hahahaahhaha

birthday, super junior, ftisland

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