I think public speaking is a valuable skill that should be taught in school. As a future teacher, I hope to train my students in many areas, including public speaking. In my opinion, part of being a good speaker is taking time to do some research on your topic and learning how to process information logically
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I agree with your points, especially the one about it not being a teacher's fault. I think that at a certain age, it becomes the students' responsibility to learn and do well in school. Yes, teachers are there to guide and motivate to some extent, but it is the student's future, for which they prepare in school, and if you don't prepare correctly, or at least somewhat correctly, you will have many challenges.
I think that the education of teachers needs to be better in a lot of cases. perhaps I'm wrong about this(and you can tell me since you're in school to become a teacher), but if their training was better, they wouldn't have issues with students with disabilities. I'm speaking from many years of having teachers who didn't know how to deal with me. I used to think "Seriously, why can't you help me? You went to school to be a teacher right?"
I do agree with your point that a classroom is not a simple thing to handle though. I know that I couldn't be a teacher. I don't have patience for misbehavior and for kids who don't understand things relatively quickly. No teaching for me...
Great writing! I'd vote for you!
You're in college, right? I think there is more training now on how to adequately teach students with IEPs, etc so hopefully those circumstances have improved. I still have 2 more semesters to go after this one so I can't give a full report on exactly what all new teachers in my college learn but I know one of my classes this semester is called, "Introduction to Exceptional Learners" and the whole focus is how to be implement IEPs and modify your lessons and classroom in order to best help students with disabilities.
I think that changes are slow but I like that inclusive classrooms now mean more people get to know students with disabilities from a young age. I think the earlier you learn how people are different yet also still have the same types of emotions and interests as you do, the more open you will be to working with them later on in your life.
So many of the teachers of today and of the future have personally known fellow students with disabilities and I think that helps them work harder to connect with these students. Besides the class this semester, I know whenever we make sample lesson plans, we are supposed to do them using Universal Design and build in possible needed modifications for students who are differently abled.
I put those modifications in writing but I also wonder if alternative translations and audio versions of texts are as available as we are led to believe. I certainly hope so!
I'm sad you had many teachers who didn't seem to understand how to best instruct you. You must be quite intelligent and determined as you still did well and are doing well in college. I'm glad your teachers' inadequacies did not hold you back.
So I guess my point is, I think they are trying to better prepare new teachers to understand how best to instruct students of all abilities but I'm sure some of it still comes down to the individual teachers and their williness to pour time, energy and effort into doing the best job possible for each of their students.
I do hesitate sometimes to speak about education until I actually become a teacher myself. It's easy for me to tell you what I have learned but I'm sure implementation is another thing all together.
I know I'm motivated to do my best though!
Thanks for sharing your first hand perspective!
I don't know if they were bad necissarily, but they were certainly clueless, and not all of them were. Most of them wanted to do things right but didn't know how. That's great until you get a student who doesn't know how to advocate.
I hope you enjoy that class. And lol they always have silly names.
If so, do you have any ideas on how teachers should do that?
I appreciate any thoughts you might have on this. It may help my future students:)
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