Last time:
Anita was born and soon after blue-skinned twins Jarvis and Jenna! Rose grew up into a child and Anita and the twins grew up into toddlers. Vivian got preggers again and had a little boy, Gavin. Then she got pregnant…again. I think I’m going to regret raising the max number of sims in one household. XD
Let’s start this off with Hank’s birthday!
Hank: Herp-durrr yay.
And also Anita’s birthday! Look! Vivian’s actually paying attention to Jarvis! And Hank’s new adult make-over. He looks weird in an adorable way.
Rose: Yay…birthday...
Vivian: My baby’s growing up! *drops Jarvis*
…Really? Easily-impressed?
*head desk*
Anita: Don’t look so sad, it’s my birthday! Don’t think of it as one more person you’ll have to be around, but one less toddler that will wake you up from the screaming.
Rose: Oh my gosh, you’re right! I never thought of it like that!
Rose: I love you.
Sisterly … love?
Anita rolled the want to get a kid stove and one of those bakery things (I can’t remember the name) and got straight to work on making some yummy muffins.
Anita: Why is it taking so long? D:
Patience little one.
And Rose skips school again to go play in the park. That girl is just so… argh!
Also, that lady in coveralls is constantly following my sims. Outside the house at all hours of the freaking day? Check. Following Rose when she’s skipping school? Check.
Go die in a fire, paparazzi.
Rose: How do you do this again…?
Maybe if you actually went to school, you’d know.
Rose: Argh, that’s wrong. Screw it.
Anita is still at the muffin table, swiping a taste. Naughty child.
I see what you did there, Anita.
Anita: I have no idea what you’re talking about… *whistles innocently*
Hank noticed Jenna’s ‘skill’ with the xylophone and decided to teach her a song that helped him through his childhood.
Hank: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know just how much I love you, so please don’t take my sunshine away.
Anita took time off from her baking stand to spend time with Jenna.
Jenna: Luv sissy!
Anita: Where’s Jenna? *peeks*
Jenna: No peek! No peek!
It’s Gavin’s birthday! Doesn’t Vivian look so happy?
Rose and Anita: YAY BIRTHDAY!
Hank: Hey, there’s another baby.
And the Father of the Year award goes too… T_T And doesn't Viv look like she went into shock or something? XD
*squees* IT’S A MINI-HANK!!
And the first thing that Rose does is give Gavin a hug. D’awww <3
Some Gavin spam. Anita may have hated the bunny, but Gavin loves it.
He’s so adorable, and he knows it.
Oh for the love of - I leave you two alone for FIVE MINUTES!
Maid: Oh my God it’s Vivian Balm! I’m star struck!
Vivian: Umm... if you don’t mind…
Maid: Oh my God, Vivian Balm is throwing up in the toilet I have to clean! *glee*
Ugh, I’m running out of room for cribs. Looks like the Balm family will be moving soon.
Vivian pops with her fifth pregnancy. It’s not even exciting anymore.
The next day is full of birthday's! First up, Rose!
Anita: Yay birthdays! And cake!
Rose: Hmm, am I ready to embark on this new journey that is being a teenager? It looks like fun from what I’ve seen, but the schoolwork looks a lot harder. I hate school already so that could be a problem for me… but on the other side, boys…
Just blow out the damn candles, already.
LOL oh legacy hair, how you slay me.
Rose: This won’t do…
Oow oww! She grew up looking unique, but pretty. I like it. Yay!
She also rolled Clumsy… so when she’s running for the fire extinguisher she’ll trip and fall.
Up next is little Jarvis.
Rose: Woo go Jarvis!
D’awww he grew up cute! And rolled perceptive too.
Next up is Jenna!
Vivian: Oww, my back. D:
Kind of sad she didn’t grow up as cute as Jarvis did. And rolled the loner trait. Gah!
With the new baby on the way, Hank and Vivian decided it was time to move into a bigger house. But before the big move, some Gavin pictures! (Every time I go to type Gavin, I always type Hank)
Gavin: Food?
Gavin: No food.
I’ll miss you, the house we kicked Pauline out of! But it’s on to bigger and better things!
Here’s the entrance/living room. Complete with flat screen, HD TV much to the disgust of Vivian.
The kitchen, and you can see the dining room as well.
The next floor consists of three rooms. The master bedroom, a bathroom, and the girls’ bedroom.
Here’s the master bedroom! This picture was taken before the maid came so the beds are all messy.
The bathroom that is shared between Hank, Vivian, and three girls. *wince*
Part of the girls' room.
The other part.
The third floor holds the currently unused grandparents suite for when Vivian and Hank get old (which I’m dreading).
The bathroom.
The boys’ bedroom. I enjoyed torturing them with the flower wallpaper. I haven’t had the time to redecorate
And here's the attic with Hank's treadmill and a drum set(which I'm regretting buying and will probably sell it soon).
And what does Vivian do after they moved in? Go into labour!
Vivian: Oooh, this feeling!
Synchronized freak out between father and son! Ahh, bonding.
Gavin: Look at meee!
Rose: Oh god, not again! WHY DO I HAVE TO WITNESS THIS AGAIN?! D:
Vivian: Gavin! Mommy’s trying to be in labour, stop playing that.
Rose: Hey he’s pretty good at that.
That expression looks painful.
Skip ahead a few days… this is Wyatt! He. Is. So. CUUUUUUUUTE!
Somewhere in the excitement, Anita had a birthday too. She grew up pretty but her traits…
*head desk*
CHILDISH?! And with the LTW of being rich and famous? She should be interesting.
So I originally had Anita’s birthday at the house she grew up in, Wyatt had been born there and a bunch of other stuff happened. But then I got a glitch where Anita was stuck and just disappeared, so I had to go from my last save which was at Rose, Jenna and Jarvis’s birthday. I like the way this turned out better.
Stop, drop, and roll Anita!
I was literally screaming 'NO ANITA!!' at my monitor by this point. And the people who could extinguish the flames canceled the actions to watch her burn. :( :(
But her ghost glitched and I got Anita back! And now, for you viewing pleasure I recorded her burning because I’m a little bit sadistic.
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