Hey guys! I got some goodies for you! First of all, I GOT MY TATTOO TODAY! *jumps around squeeing* And I'm just gonna post a piccie for you.
Yes, I'm a nerd, but the Harry Potter series holds a special place in my heart as well. My dad got me into reading when I was 9 with the Harry Potter books. I would not have loved literature as much as I do now if it weren't for that. I would not have my love for writing, have poems published in some magazines, nor have the motivation and drive to work on the novel that I've been working on for the past year and a half if it hadn't been for Harry Potter. <3
Okay, now onto the Sims. :3 I don't have any pictures ready to post as of yet, but I do have some in the works. My new legacy founder is a blue skinned, purple haired Vivian Balm. Her traits are Dramatic, Eccentric, Genius, Technophobe, and Handy. I've decided that the family trait will be dramatic... this'll be fun. >:) Anyway, I'm not too sure when the first post will be. I'm currently an assisstant stage manager for a huge play, plus university classes are starting to end so that means a LOT of stuff. And since I'm an acting major... yeah, lots of hands on stuff.
Expect the Balm Legacy: 1.0 to be posted at the end of the month/early December.
<3 Kelci