The Broke Legacy: Interlude

Oct 20, 2008 21:25

Belladonna Cove. 1:34 A.M.

"... amn s...y mortals... n my tim... we... di... f... care..."

"Of course I didn't forget the... but it's not easy to.... these days..."

"Who do they think I am? An amateur?

"Ha! As if! I've been doing this for almost six hundred..."

"I knew I'd find you here..."
"Oh for fu...! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
"I'm sorry..."

"Heh... About damn time you showed up! I've been..."
"I'm afraid this is not a social visit... I need to ask you a favor..."
"Bah! Typical! All right, let's go inside... but I can't promise I'll help you..."


"Come inside! Make yourself at home. After all, this IS your home too..."

"Would you like some tea?"
"I know! I know!"

"Knowing you, I'm sure this story of yours will be pretty damn long, so let me prepare some coffee. Something tells me I'll need the caffeine..."
"I never imagined you'd ever become a coffee addict..."

"Well, you can't buy dragon scales in the supermarket these days, so I had to settle down with the best mortal substitute I could find..."


"So, let's see if I understood your story..."

"Your family is being targeted by a shady group to which your husband belonged a long time ago. Somehow, he forgot..."
"He didn't forget! He just hid the truth because he thought they'd never need to know about it..."

"So now you're asking me to both inform and protect them from this danger they are actually unaware of, correct?"
"You are our last chance to save them. I wish there was another way but... If only he had listened to me..."

"Ha! Isn't this ironic? Now you're actually complaining because he didn't listen to your advice, yet you did exactly the same to me a long time ago!"
"No, it's not the same..."

"Is that so? If only he had listened to you, you say!

Well, if only YOU had listened to me when I told you that young scientist wasn't right for you!

If only you hadn't fallen in love with him!
If only you hadn't left with him!
If only you hadn't renounced to your powers to carry his children!
If only you had listened to me when I told him about those gold digging whores and that horny bastard!
If only you had faked your death, just like me!
If only you hadn't gone to his house that night!

If only you had done all that, then you wouldn't have disappeared for so many years!
You wouldn't have gotten involved in this alien non-sense you keep talking about!
You wouldn't be in this mess! And you'd be in your rightful place, right here!

You'd still be our leader! And our people would still be around here!
They wouldn't have lost hope and wouldn't have left.
Our plan would still be strong and proud, and this place wouldn't be filled with... mortals.
Mortals who have no idea about the origin of this town's namesake!

Mortals who'll never know about our clan's last leader, the Infallible Witch Bella Donna!

"I know my actions hurt all of you... And I'm sorry I completely forgot about you for the rest of my mortal life. I... I imagine life has been hard for you..."

"You have no idea! I'm the last warlock around here, Bella. Me! Our clan's former Chief Guardian reduced to spend the rest of his eternal existence preparing useless love potions and predicting the future of a bunch of stupid mortals in exchange of just enough money to buy some food.

Do you want to know why I never left BellaDonna Cove, just like the others?"

"Because I truly believed you'd come back with us, and then our clan would become what it once was. And I would no longer be the last warlock in this town...

I am such a fool. You are not here to revive our clan... you just want me to become your family's guardian, but I refuse to do so! Tell me, Bella, why should I be the nanny of a bunch of mortals?! What made you think I'd accept such a role?"

"Because they are also your family, Michael...."


Let's see... just a little bit more...

Perfect! Nothing like a few drops of unicorn oil to clean the dust from 200 years of inactivity to the family’s magic ball!

All right, let's see...

Hmmmm... how to locate a mortal... hmmmm...

It's been so long since I last casted a real spell, but let's try this!
Hocus Pocus Molto Mocus!

Spherus Magicus Locatus Pronticus!

All right, magic ball, help me find the descendants of my dear sister Bella. We've got to protect them as she ordered!

Now Michael, focus!

There it is! I can see it now!

I see a foreign land, far away from this town...

And I see a mortal man, deeply in love with his mortal wife....

And who are these? Are they...?

Whoa! What's going on?! I'm sure I'm not imagining this! This feeling... it is as clear as a crystal! This energy, I haven't felt it in so many years!

Aha, dear sister! I guess my hoping wasn't in vane! Perhaps there is a chance for our clan after all!

But I must be quick! There's no time to waste! If Cosmo Broke's fears are true, I must protect them before it's too late!

But first I'll need a disguise!

All right, I'm ready!
Let's go to Takemizu Village!



The Gen 5.7 update will be published tomorrow, because I needed to post this interlude first.

I’m sorry about the delay, but I was out of town for the whole weekend and had no access to an Internet connection until today.

See you next time!

the broke legacy

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