A walk down memory lane (The Broke Legacy)

Jan 23, 2011 19:09

If I can stay awake and coherent long enough tonight, I will post something tomorrow. This has been a very busy and exhausting week.

It is not a "new" update, though. I did not have time to play with my Sims at all this week(end), so I still need to re-create the families and move them to their houses. However, as a way to de-tangle my storytelling mess, I went through every single picture folder I have in my PC and selected the most representative pics from each update of the Broke Legacy.

I first ended up with 607 pics. So I went back and got rid of the ones who were not *that* important, until I managed to reduce the amount of pics to around 374. Considering I probably have more than 3000 pics for all the Legacy (Five generations divided in seven chapters each means a lot of pics!), managing to reduce it to this quantity was a feat :D.

I will post a "special" entry with a very simplified summary of the whole Legacy this week for those of you that do not remember it anymore. This will also help me, because I was finally able to organize the pics and scenes in chronological order.

In the mean time, I am quite amused by how much have my pics changed in four years :D

Update 1.1: Beau's first pic in the Legacy.

Update 1.3: Official "Legacy Founder Shack" picture XD

First Alien abduction (I cheated to get Beau abducted. I miss that force abduction hack!)

Update 2.1: First baby (and alien) born to the Legacy.
Back then, I barely knew anything about CC and for a long time thought my alien skin was made by Enayla because that was the only site/creator I remembered (My folder was a mess).

Update 2.2: First Legacy Wedding.

Update 2.5: First attempt at a family/group portrait.
Dear goodness, it took me forever to pose the sims, because I did not know about OMSPs, invisible trays and the posing cheats. I don't think the model posing hack was even available yet.

Update 2.7: First Legacy Sim that graduated from College. No ceilings for you, Cosmo!

Update 3.2: First Sim who died due to idiocy
(Bella decided to take a bath despite having a very red hunger meter after an awful pregnancy)

Update 3.3: First (and only) Legacy Pet. I don't remember its name anymore :/ (I got rid of it because the house was lagging due to too many sims. My PC was very weak back then)

Update 3.6: First "Platinum" Death :(

Update 4.1: First time I decorate a lot for a wedding.

Update 4.1: A classic in every Legacy: First bathroom birth scene (Rose Mary).
(I miss that hair. Too bad that the creator at GOS took it down!)

Update 4.3: Installing new EPs and SPs was killing my graphics chip :P

Update 4.4: First business lot: Wanda's Beauty Salon.
It was disaster! (Never reached LV 5)

Update 4.5: ACR is first installed in my game :D

Update 4.6: First ACR baby: Cody Broke

Update 5.0: Discovered Squinge's hacks (Hula Hack, Desperation Interactions Enabled, First Kiss Enabled anytime and much more). Storytelling became much easier and fun :)

Update 5.0: First and only time I've managed to get a decent screencap of the "graduating from college" scene. One of these days, I'll get a good one from the arrival to college cutscene :P

Update 5.0: One of my fave pics from this Legacy :)

Update 5.1: First Legacy Vacation/Honeymoon.

Update 5.3: First Zombie (and hopefully last)

Update 5.4: I still can't believe this picture came out decently XD

Update 5.5: No OMSPs were harmed while setting up this scene.

Update 5.6: The scene that changed the tone of the Legacy completely.

Update 5.7: The Legacy leaves Strangetown (and moves to Belladonna Cove, although that's going to change soon)

Update 5.7: This is by far one of the most complicated scenes in the Legacy (also one of my favorites).

Update 5.7: This is also the first entry that was entirely posed instead of letting the game play as normal. This is an exception though, because I want to keep playing and taking pics of the random things that happen with my Sims.

Update 5.8: And this is where the story stopped a long time ago.

Bonus: I eventually learned how to take decent family portraits :)

(And a bit later, I finally learned how to make custom content.)

- Good Night!

the broke legacy

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