Pictures will be back: 02/19/09
Previously: We met Adam Bishop, and he met aliens. He also met a lot of poor Sims, one of whom (Reed, affectionately nicknamed Baldy by yours truly) he had three bolts of attraction with. BaldyReed moved in, and Adam's alien-baby, Afra, was born.
BaldyReed... oh, I give up. He's Baldy. I know it doesn't make sense, but I can't seem to remember his name. ANYWAY. Baldy notices something wrong...
simgarden: You guys haven't even WooHooed yet, idiot.
Baldy takes care of that little detail pretty quickly, once he's been reminded.
Apparently, he's damn good in bed. Adam's so distracted by the WooHoo that he doesn't even gag at the driver like he usually does.
*stares* Baldy? Uh, what gives? You only have two neat points...
Once the shock has worn off, Baldy decides he likes the little green thing and pesters him constantly.
Gettin' better, Adam. Don't look so depressed!
Adam: I want YOU to comment on my Legacy!
Why the heck are Sim babies so dang loud when they cry?
Hey, can we stop with the mutual admiration party and go take care of the baby before it gives me a headache? Please?
*facepalm* You're not a very smart Knowledge Sim, are you?
At this point I realize... hey, I can afford floors. And wallpapers.
Point 1: Adam has picked up Baldy's habit of pretending he has high neat points. I approve.
Point 2: Yay! Outerwear!
Yup, still obsessed with the telescope.
Oh, so you show up now that Adam's already missing work. Great job, nanny. Great job.
OMFG BALDY I LOVE YOU. *starts saving for siding*
Adam is just as pleased about Baldy's promotion as I am.
Yes. The baby stinks. Now, what do we do when the baby stinks, class?
...not quite what I had in mind.
To some extent, the pets on this game are smarter than the Sims. At least they'll learn when you correct them.
What? The baby... is in the crib? My Sims are freaks of nature!
(Also, at this point I discovered that I hadn't fixed my graphics settings quite enough. There will be an increase in quality from here on.)
Birthday time for Afra! Adam, stop being so cute.
Well. It's. Uh. It could be worse?
Let's try something new - actually paying attention to toddlers!
Yeah, yeah, you're an adorable little family. Stop congregating in the bathroom, k?
Work on those charisma skills while you can, kid. You're going to need them.
Autonomous potty cleaning? I can't decide if I love you or if I'm terrified of you.
Baldy does everything. He cleans. He cooks. All Adam does is sit around and enjoy the fruits of his labors.
Well, he also pays attention to the toddler. Afra seems to have brains to make up for his... awkwardness.
This is entirely
sirensims' fault. Why, you may ask?
sirensims: Anybody pregnant yet?
simgarden: No, and don't you give them any ideas.
[a few seconds pass]
simgarden: Crap.
That's why.
Adam sorta makes up for it by being absolutely adorable and following Baldy outside to wave goodbye. Awwww.
Now that they can potty train instead of change diapers, Adam and Baldy have become decent parents. Which robs me of all my fun.
Ah, decided to show up on time today, did we?
Okay, he may not be bringing in much money, but his work clothes are awesome.
What am I paying you for again? Damn nanny.
As much as I like the money, Baldy needs to get started on his LTW. He finally finds a job in the Criminal career ladder, and it's back to pittances for awhile.
Adam: How dare you flush the toilet that you were already sitting on when I got into the shower?!?!?!
Baldy: *ignores him and gussies up*
I think Baldy's on to something with that one. He gets forgiven pretty quickly.
What, didn't you learn to talk in the bathroom?
Hi, Master Wolf. No biting this gen, thanks.
The toddler was getting low on hygeine, so it was time to sell the shower and buy a tub instead. Muuuch better.
Don't even try to pretend, Baldy. We all know why you're washing dishes in that sink. I should move the mirror just to spite you.
Since Adam was at work the entire time he would've had it with Afra... first morning sickness of the Legacy!
Adam must not be getting laid enough, he's back to bitching about the driver.
Damn nanny's bringing in her het porn again. Only gay porn is welcome in this house, bitch.
Hi there, pretty blonde. If it weren't for the fact that both of the adults are at work, you would be greeted for the sake of future generations.
Aw, does this mean he'll have a different uniform now?
That promotion came just in time. Now you get more money while you're on your maternity leave, and that makes me, at least, happy.
Movin' right on up there, Baldy. Go ahead, you have the right to look smug, getting promoted your first day on the job.
Adam wanted to give a gift, and Baldy's been wanting snow related activities since winter began... and yet there's been no snow. So Adam uses his aspiration points to get Baldy some snow. That is where the longest, most stressful night of Simming I've ever had begins.
Baldy dropped down below gold before he could get to the machine, and thus the bad side effect kicked in. And wouldn't you know it, the snow started as soon as he got outside.
Like the idiot he is, Baldy ran right into the middle of the fire in his panic, and I couldn't get him out of it.
The guessing game...
Adam: HAH! Who's the bitch now, Grimmy?
Grimmy: *stalks off unhappily*
Adam: OMFG THERE'S FIRE! Where did it come from? OMG, did you know there's fire?
Baldy: Whoa... is this Hell?
Synchronized freaking, and Baldy realizes that no, he's just right back where he came from... which might be close enough to Hell to make no difference.
I check in on the toddler to discover that he's followed his daddy-mama and stepdaddy outside and is now just... sitting around in the snow. Unfortunately, I can't send anyone to deal with him at the moment, because the situation is only getting worse.
Where the hell did that come from? THERE WAS NOT FIRE THERE A SECOND AGO! Nooooo, Adam!
Quit bitching about the fire and get over there and save the man who is carrying your child!
Baldy: Please give him back or the crazy lady is going to boolprop me out of existence!
Just not having any luck tonight, are you, Grimmy?
Oh, for the love of... why can't you go into aspirational failure inside? Could someone please go get the toddler before he turns into a popsicle?
Thank you, newly-resurrected Adam. I guess this means that the fire's all gone, at long last. And hey, there's sufficient snow for a snowball fight like Baldy wanted before this whole mess.
...uh, I was going to reward you with that snowball fight, but I guess if you boys need to warm up first...
You should've just taken the snowball fight in the first place. End stress.
Baldy: Here, I have a present for you!
Adam: Oo, is this one going to lead to both of us getting saved from death, too?
Nope, but it is that expensive bookcase you've been wanting for awhile.
Baldy has discovered the key to Adam's heart. Books.
Neither of them has any wants for a wedding party, so they just go ahead and get it out of the way.
Now we enter the segment of this program I'd like to call 'get the toddler out of aspirational failure before his birthday'. Catchy, neh?
He learns to walk...
And use the potty...
And then Adam runs off to flirt with Baldy. Section over.
Sims with three bolts are boring. This is all they ever do!
Yeah, see what happens when you spend all your time flirting with your husband? You turn into a whale!
Wait. What's this? A moment when they're actually acting like Knowledge Sims? *dies of shock*
Birthday time for Afra again! Let's see what we end up with.
The comforting part of this is that all Sim children are awkward. Things have definitely improved since toddlerhood, though. Prepare for a little Afra spam!
Okay, spam's done. Told you it was only a little.
You're such a good little thief, Baldy.
I'd sympathize, but you only brought this on yourself, you know.
Baldy: ...motherFUCKER.
Since pregnant Sims run out of energy quickly, they both crash.
Doesn't last long for Baldy, though. Oh, dear, whatever could he want?
Yup, that'd be it.
Afra continues the tradition of acting like he's got high neat points when he really doesn't.
And of being a freak of nature. What happened to flying boats, Afra?
Afra: Don't be ridiculous. Boats don't fly. Only spaceships fly!
Pensive Sim is pensive. Can you tell he was a philosophy major?
Afra's first day of school!
Adam: Have a nice day! Don't forget your lunch! Don't let the other kids pick on you! If the other kids pick on you, don't be afraid to tell the teacher! If -
Afra: *averts eyes* Stop it, Dad. You're embarrassing me.
Just to show you that Adam is still having an affair with the telescope.
Adam: Some day, the green men in the spaceship will come back to me. I have to be ready!
Gods, you two... eh, screw it. You're both already knocked up, have at.
Aspirations are low, so Baldy asks Adam on a date.
Adam decides to go into labor in the middle of said date. You fail yet again.
It's a boy, Ace Bishop. His coloring is exactly like Baldy's, red hair and all!
And that's as much attention as he gets before Adam goes back to making out with his husband.
Ohhhh no. If you get knocked up again, I will END you.
He didn't, and it's a dream date. They're both in much better moods now.
Afra: Oh, hai, guyz. What'd I miss?
I have a couple of really big papers coming up, so I can't predict my next update. It'll either be really soon because I'm Simming instead of doing homework, delayed because I decided to be responsible for once, or somewhere in between!