Pictures will be back: 02/19/09
One of Tabby's first wants as a teen was to get the Extraterrestrial Reparations Grant. Hey, if my Sims want to get probed, who am I to stop them?
Zarek: ...Tabs? Uh, Tabitha? You're... in a spotlight.
Tabitha: Shut up, I'm trying to figure out what this constellation is.
Tabitha: Seriously? Wow, I've only been at this a few hours!
Zarek: Stay calm, stay calm... okay, I should probably tell somebody...
Zarek: What's the point? They won't believe me anyway.
A few hours later...
Tabitha: Ow! Could you be more careful when you drop people, you damn aliens?
Tabitha: I just got abducted by aliens. I have to go blog about this!
Blogging done, scholarship obtained, and she's still not letting Braska have the computer.
Now that they all know the difference between boys and girls, her brothers and cousin make a point of excluding Tabby from everything they do.
Tabitha: So, Reece, tell me, did your testicles dropping make you dumber, or did getting boobs just make me smart enough to realize it?
Taite de-evolves for a second. He'd make a cute chimp.
Tabitha: Curfew? If I was a scary vampire like Uncle Braska you wouldn't give me a curfew!
Rhiannon: All things considered, I probably should have.
The nanny managed to set herself on fire. Good job, nanny.
This is Juan and Aiden Harris. If they aren't related, I will be losing my faith in the world.
Aiden is actually cute. Tabby, go get 'im!
Juan: Dude, that hot alien chick totally wants to bone you. And you totally turned her down. That's HILARIOUS!
Tabby works out to ease the sting of rejection... or at least cover it with a different kind of pain.
Back to the cycle of dates with Braska. Same old, same old.
Braska: I really hope she doesn't want kids. That would suck.
First one of the night, Braska! Good job.
He spots this chick and, since he likes her, asks her out on a date.
Braska: Hey, I was just trying to do you a favor, but hold on to your v-card if you really want.
I had Braska "BLEH!!!" at her when the option presented itself. Must remember to do this again in the near future.
Braska: If you know what's good for you, you're going to be my best friend.
Best friend or not, I don't blame her for getting the fuck out when Mrs. Crumplebottom pops up to help them celebrate their love.
Come to think of it, this is a pretty good summary for Braska's love life as a whole... hotter than a bag of flaming poo, and probably smellier, too.
No, Braska is not above calling up the slutty airheaded cheerleader from college.
Contessa Cherry shows up. She happens to be the jealous type.
There is no end to my love of the smooth talk interaction. DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN.
It's like she has radar for Braska's tender falling in love after woohooing in the photobooth moments.
I love when he ends up with knowledge Sims. You have no idea how much of a boost you get to dates just by biting the fuckers.
Llama playing on the couch? Yup, that happens a lot.
Nothing like getting fit with your little sister!
Tierney: Yeah, but she makes me look like a pussy.
Tierney: Can I go out? Pleeeease, mom? It's of dire importance, I need more clothes!
Rikku: Uhh... sure. Which one are you again?
Tierney: Oh. My God. Your pores are huge!
Braska knows what's important. He just fell in love with his 19th simultaneous lover and he's more concerned about the fact that he just had sex in public.
It amuses me that Braska and the matchmaker have seen enough of each other to greet with the air kisses. After he purchases his next date they become best friends.
However, the date fell through pretty quickly because she brought him a straight man who freaked when Braska tried flirting. Way to be, matchmaker, way to be.
Noelle: Hey, you! My husband was asking if I had any friends who might like to come over and get to know him, and you were the first person I thought of!
Devin Pegg (property of
sirensims)/Braska Bishop.
Narcissism at its best, yo.
Noelle and Tosha showed up as part of the welcome wagon when I moved Devin into the neighborhood to play with. As soon as they got there they grabbed each other and started making out, falling in love on the spot. Back at home, under Rikku's watchful eye, they're being as discreet as they can be.
Devin: Wanna play with my balls?
Like they need any more foreplay than that?
Meanwhile, Rikku is beginning to get suspicious.
Zarek: Do you not find it weird that your thigh is pressed against my crotch?
Reece: Do you not find it weird that you're glowing?
Zarek: Touché.
Rhiannon demonstrates great (grand)parenting skills by letting the younger set of twins stay up and watch horror movies with her. Way to go, Rhiannon.
The only reason Tierney has this job is that Rikku wants him to be an overachiever. With that accomplished? Yes, Tierney, you can get rid of the llama suit.
More in the saga of Devin and Braska! Braska thinks that Devin is pretty damn hot. I don't think he realizes that they look... well, sorta similar.
They're three-bolters (my game produces too many of them, it sort of scares me), so ACR has them woohooing all over the place.
And Devin Pegg is officially Braska's 20th Simultaneous Lover! They celebrate this, of course, in true romance Sim fashion.
...what was that?
Braska: Can I have the computer now?
Basil: Just a sec, dad. Oh wow, this game that's coming out looks AWESOME!
I was going to wait until everyone was a teen before sending them off to college, but I changed my mind and sent the ones who'd hit teen off early for a couple of reasons: one, all of their wants and everyone else's were revolving around them getting the fuck out, and two...
Braska: Ugh, I haven't felt this nauseous since... oh, crap.
We get it, Braska. We get it.
Oh, great. He's nesting. He makes every single bed in the house.
Things have settled into a truce among these three. Rikku has accepted Noelle's presence in the relationship, and... well, at least this'll keep Noelle from thinking too much when Braska goes pop.
Um, is that even dirty?
Braska: Everything must be spotless, you hear me, spotless!
Braska: Basil, move so I can turn that thing off!
Basil: But I'm using it!
Braska: It is giving Daddy a MIGRAINE!
Brandon has started spending all day stalking his children's spouses. It's a little creepy, but they just ignore him.
I'm wondering if this chick isn't actually a very pretty tranny. If she is, that would be frickin' awesome and I want her.
I bought my Sims Spore and now Nash won't stop playing it. I can't cure my addiction, but at least I can share it.
Normally people look a little more excited when they're talking about having an awesome week.
Rikku: *victory dances*
simgarden: That's more like it!
Braska: Devin, hey! I'm glad you called, there's something I need to talk to you... what? Downtown? Okay, I guess...
Braska: So remember how we were making out and... stuff?
Devin: Where are you going with this? Is it where I hope you're going?
Braska: Funniest thing, turns out I'm pregnant!
Devin: Pregnant? That's a great one! I mean, you're joking, right?
Braska: No. I'm really not.
Devin: Got anything stronger?
Once Devin manages to get over that little bombshell, the date goes fine.
Meanwhile, Noelle is getting closer to finishing up her LTW, as well.
Braska knows he's hot even in maternity clothes. Work that horrible shade of green, Braska, work it!
Yes, it's another kid-on-the-computer scene. This time, Nash wants to blog about cuisine. And who am I to get in the way of someone's blogging addiction?
Nash wanted to be swung around. I found by process of trial and error that the only two adults he had a good enough relationship with were his dad, who was asleep since it's daytime, and his Aunt Tosha. Mommy was a no-go.
At least work loves you, Noelle, even if your son doesn't.
This picture is important! Why? Because it's the last time you'll see Basil and Nash as children. Feast your eyes on the Wonder Twins.
Basil! I forget who rolled what, you'll find out in college.
And Nash. I was afraid he'd be a Braska clone, but it looks like he got a good mixture of features after all.
As a random side note, I find it cute that Braska still calls Basch, like, every night. He rolls the want to call and talk to Basch a lot. Say it with me now: awwwwwwww.
Noelle's Work Friend: MPREG FTW!!!
The Wonder Twins go out for a night on the town. Time for some brotherly bonding!
Nash, as ordained by his randomly rolled sexual orientation, heads straight for the karaoke machine and the bubblegum pop.
Basil, as ordained by his randomly rolled sexual orientation, heads straight for the women.
This chick was all over him, which kind of freaks me out since she looks a lot like Noelle. He seems interested at first, but not so interested that he can't take the time to sing a duet with his brother!
Basil: You so owe me for this.
Nash: Shut up and sing, straight boy.
Basil: ♪'cause this bear can't bear the world's disdain...♪
Nash: You are such a dork.
Nash: ♪You're the only man who's ever been inside of me.♪
Basil: Whoah, what, are those seriously the lyrics? Seriously?
Basil: ♪I'll be theeeeere to share the hiiiiiiighs!!!♪
Nash: ...I don't know you.
Twins: ♪It's guy love between two guys...♪
...moving on! Basil wants a cell phone, so the boys go to an electronics store.
Nash: Can we have new games? Please? PLEEEEASE?
Nash: Man, I'm starving. Can we go grab some breakfast before we go home?
Basil: They're going to be so pissed when they realize how much we've spent tonight... but sure!
Nash works off those extra pounds he gained thanks to that greasy spoon breakfast. Boy's gotta watch his figure, ya know?
And Nash again. This time? Maxing out his One Hobby, cooking.
Taite takes over the Braska watch for me. Good boy, Taite.
Rikku rolled a want to plant a seed. So she does. One seed. Rhiannon plants the rest, since she's got her gold gardening badge and more options for what to plant.
ACK! Brandon! This kind of snuck up on me, I didn't have time to prepare... thanks for the lulz, buddy. And the elf ears, definitely thanks for those too.
And, since I can't let this pregnancy pass by without a Juno quote somewhere... You know you can go into early labor sucking face like that!
See? I was right. Teaches you not to listen, huh?
Proudly presenting Tara Pegg-Bishop!
sirensims and I have made a Sim exchange! For a much funnier version of Rikku than you see here (I knew the little bitch was holding out on me) and more of the Narcissism OTP,
go read her post!