Back at the legacy house, it's time to get generation four started!
But it seems Leah already took care of that for us in the last update.
"Took care" may be a bit of a stretch.
At least Ruby gets her lovin'.
Ryker: How are we this old already?
Leo: .... :)
I think the green substance has gone to his head.
I'm going to take this as a sign that Leo and Ryker really shouldn't get any older.
Do you suppose he remembers the baby that was about to shoot out of her the last time he saw her?
Caulfield: What is this shit?
Leah: And on that note, marry me?
Robi: *giggle* I-I do. *giggle*
Robi: Well, that made for a good date.
Caulfield: I'm haunting you, bitch.
Looks like Christian's about to get himself a sibling.
Robi: I don't like it.
Suck it up.
Robi: I can't bear to look.
Robi: Again? :D
Leah: No dear... Just making the bed.
Leah: Damn, Rubes. It's like that's all he can think about.
Well, the product of such an activity IS the basis of your marriage.
Yes, broadcasting makeouts through the house.
*That's* what I bought that mic for.
Christian grows up. And promptly steals my heart and crawls away with it.
Christian: Whar ur cwoves, momma?
Christian: I tink I erd tumtin.
Christian: Do not wants babby.
I see the whole spawn situation is sitting well with everyone.
Yeah it's spam. There's lots more where that came from.
Leo: I see you decided to get married in time for this one!
All right, how could I not?
He can't get off the llama on his own, but yeah, he'll jump right over and read what
you're writing.
Ryker got fired. And Maxis *really* wants to rub it in.
And kill off his family, apparently. WHERE IS THE SMOKE DETECTOR?
By process of elimination, I guess that leaves us Robi-less.
Christian feels like garbage~
No time for mourning.
Leah: I have seen the light.
It's a boy, Asher!
And his twin, Seth!
Leah: Aww, Ruby! I would never let my children be more important than you!
Birthday time in the decrepit kitchen!
Leah: Goddamn lieutenants.
Well, aren't you looking prim and proper.
Christian: Well, don't you need to get this expletive camera out of my face.
I've decided that generation four needs to have four children.
Hey, the sim world has sperm banks, too.
The synchronized birthday of the existent babies worked out well.
Christian: Brothers? What brothers? Gotta take care of these pearly whites!
This one is Asher.
And this emo one is Seth.
I don't think the emo one knows the cuteness he's missing out on.
Leah: You're adorable! You're adorable, you're adorable, you're adorable!
Christian: I think you need to go see a doctor.
LTW and got the facial expression right?
Leo, you *are* amazing.
Christian: You lost your homework? Well,did you look up Uranus?
Christian: Er, you're that child-eating fish, aren't you?
Child-eating fish: I will eat you.
Christian: Hey, cool! You can talk!
Christian: Hey, Asher! Check this out! The child-eating fish can talk!
Seth: But I wanna tempt the child-eating fish!
Leo: Get off, you goddamn monkey child!
Seth: Figures, the stupid brat.
See? Good things come from the labour of pregnant women!
Leah: You caught the dust! LOL COOL.
Christian and Asher dance spam! (Yes, more spam.)
Christian: Gotta stay in shape!
Why? You're eight.
Christian: So I can be ready for my shower scene!
Seth: Oh, fuck it.
It's another boy! Jesus, Leah.
His name is Hayley.
Don't question my gender sense, or I'll sic Seth on you.
Seth: So, what is it with all these goddamn A-pluses of yours, anyway? Copying off
the smart kid, or what?
Asher: Thank god I got the better half of those twin genes.
Finally. Sorry for procrastinating on this so much, guys. Thanks again for the photo prep,