Love the Bermuda (Rotten)

Apr 22, 2010 13:35

Title: Love the Bermuda
Genre: Romance, Young Adult
Characters: Aleera Akamatseru, Gabriel Akamatseru
Prompt: 149 - Rotten
Word Count: 390
Rating: M
Type: Series
Summary: "Makes me kind of a douche nozzle, huh?"
Warnings: Language, Euphanisums for Sexual Intercourse between Two Men

"And then the bastard called me a whore, broke one of my vases and refused to leave. So, I kicked him in the nuts and shoved him outside. I paid a good $10 for that vase! That's expensive, considering it came from Target! That vase costed more than his damn underwear!"
"...Wow. Sounds like your day was fun."
"Pffft. I need a smoke but the damn idiot crushed my cigarettes after he broke my vase."
"Oh, riiight. Your keep your cigarettes in your vase."
"Damn straight. So...You have an equally interesting day?"

"You can say that," Gabriel smiled slightly as he rested his arms behind his head. After giving Julian the slip, he needed someone to talk to. Aleera was the closest in walking distance and since he didn't have bus tokens or a car of his own, that made her his default couch companion. Listening to her own problems made him feel slightly better about his own. Slightly. "Well....last night, I managed to convince Julian to crawl into my bed and be my lover for a night..."
"No way. Seriously?" Aleera spatted in shock, her eyes wide as a drop of saliva ran down her chin, "He and you...did the nasty? Had hanky panky? Plowed each other's gardens? Doin' the horizontal bop?"
"Yes, yes..." Gabriel snorted, "That."

"So...what's the problem?" Aleera asked after a short pause. "I would think it would be a good thing." Gabe stared at her for a moment before sighing and leaning forward, his hands on his legs.

"This morning...Julian asked me if we were a couple now. And I couldn't answer."
"You couldn't answer?" Aleera echoed with a snort, "So expected to bang him and leave him like some hooker?"
"Makes me kind of a douche nozzle, huh?"
"Pretty much. So, what did you tell him?"

"I told him I had to think about it. He...wasn't exactly happy, I think."
"I would think not."
"Yeah...since, you know...I told him I loved him and how I've changed in order to get him into bed."

Gabe leaned back and sighed. He tossed a glance over to his sister and cracked a desperate smile. "We really suck at this whole love thing, huh?"
"Tell me about it," The female twin snorted.

"By the way..." Aleera began, "Dad called."
"Seriously? ..What did he want?"
"He wants us to come visit."
", really, what did he want?"
"I'm serious. He said he wants us to come visit."

"With our significant others."


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