Sep 03, 2008 17:16
Yes, I am alive. Yes, I have an excuse. Yes, it's a good one. Yes, you can still choose to hate me. Yes, I'm still going to try to convince you not to. Yes, I'll start the excuse.
well. Right after I posted that lovely half-an-ass job of a post (4.1) I realized it was the end of august... which means family birthday parties. And when I say family birthday party, I mean the whole fan-damaly from my mothers side gets to get for each birthday in august and septemeber (5 between aug.21 & sept.3). Alas, I had a birthday, and the day after I had SURGERY! ACL (anterior crucial ligament) reconstruction to be exact. If anyone tells it's great, it's not. DON'T GET IT. So anyways, After being couch ridden since the 27th I've finally hobbled way to the computer where I've installed Apartment Life, Just made my found for a second Legacy, or story... haven't really decided how that's going down yet, and am finishing up the parkers house so I can hopefully update THEM.
We'll see how far I get :) Hopefully I'll have something to show for it tomorrow!