BACC - my rules and some overall stuff

Jul 21, 2013 13:16

Overall stuff

Welcome to my brand new BACC! Yes, I have given it a go before and didn't make it further than two generations and yes I have my OWBC challenge unfinished. At first I was going to wait until I finish the OWBC but after all this is a game, a hobby, something that I spend time with when I want to relax and get something else to think about. And if I then can't do whatever I please then when could I? :D And I haven't abandoned the OWBC family, actually the new generation is growing already so all I need is just one more generation and it is done!

I always try to make the chapters short and I usually fail... If I ever want to open even one university in BACC I can't really write very detailed descriptions about every family. I doubt no one would even read it. I have read couple megahood stories earlier and they were written sort of in a form of newspaper and that's what I have decided to use here too. There will be sections for marriage, new born kids, gossips, overal happenings such as lifted careers and opened businesses, interviews about newcomers and the older citizens who have done something remarkable and so on. I will figure it out as I write. For the first rotation there is only one family so the newspaper is almost a diary of Tom Mason but as new people come in, it will change.

The editor is going to be Tom Mason, my founder, the leader of the resistance against aliens. The newspaper is titled "Falling Skies" after the tv-serie where small group of people try to survive and fight in post-apocalyptic world after the aliens attacked. And of course Tom Mason is the main character in my story too. Please forgive me, I'm not very good making my sims to look someone real and I'm afraid my Tom hardly resembles the real Tom but it is good enough for me. I will bring other main characters in the story as CAS - sims and try to make them look as real as possible. I will also use the names from the serie (the names of the actors and the names of the characters) for the babies born in game but I won't be explaining why and who the name is from. If you have seen the program you might know, if not, then it doesn't really matter. :)

But why BACC, not apocalypse as this happens in post-apocalyptic world? I really thought of starting an apocalypse story but I don't think I would enjoy playing it very much, the rules are just too much for me, the restrictions are so hard in the beginning that there aren't that many ways to start the challenge. Also with BACC I can bring other main characters from the real Falling Skies to my story.


I have also  the rules a bit to fit better into my playing style and the story. For example Slacker is hardly the first profession you would have in a post-apocalyptic world so I had to figure out something else for that career. As Slacker has been usually the first one to lift as it is easy to open a club, I needed something else to replace that. And what else would make more sense than having the history professor Tom Mason opening a museum? Also I think adventurer is something that is needed in this world.

I also changed the money needed to build the university because I want to have it opened at some time at least. I could do like some do; open a business, keep sim in platinum, recharge him/her/them constantly, make the business 10 stars, get them sales gold badge and dazzle everyone in paying insane fees. But it isn't how I want to play this game and it also doesn't fit in the world I have created for this story. So I collect taxes to fund the university, it just is lower amount but I also use those taxes to build other things; private schools, business area, downtown area etc.
In some ways I have made it easier for me but in some ways also more difficult.

Rules are combined Pinketamine (, Krow ( and the original rules. The bold ones are my own additions.

General Rules

- No money cheats.
- CAS created sims can only marry townies or other born in game sims, NEVER other CAS sims.
- No maxmotives or other cheats that make sims "feel better"
- Pregnancies can't be aborted nor modified.
- Every single Sim you create, every single Sim that is born or adopted in the game, and every single former townie that you make playable MUSt be played from wherever they start in life until they die.
- Each household must be played for an equal number of days to keep ages in sync once breeding starts. I'll use one season for each household.
- No residential or community lot may have smoke detectors or burglar alarms until there is at least one slot opened and filled in the Law Enforcement career.
- All services except pizza delivery and Chinese food delivery are unlocked when the population reaches 300. Pizza and Chinese food delivery are not unlocked until the population reaches 2,000. (see population and multipliers below)
- Groceries can't be delivered, you must go to a community lot and buy them or grow them yourself.
- Pets never count toward the population. The pet trainer can't be hired.
- Universities and Private School must be earned. (See below)
- Only the cheapest furnitures, kitchen appliances etc. are available until someone opens a business selling these items. For example furniture store opens furnitures as there is traderoute established. The store doesn't have to sell all possible items to unlock them, it just resembles the established traderoute.
- Only wood and stone are available as building materials until architecture is unlocked. No painting, bricks or tapestry etc.
- Only clothes available are the ones you get from age transition or make yourself until someone opens a business selling clothes. You can also buy clothes abroad once you have unlocked the travelling.
-Travelling for a holiday is unlocked only when the university is opened, i.e. the resistance is high enough.

Gettin' started...
- Create a new neighbourhood, totally empty.
- Townies can be generated by the game, but they may also be added, using created/downloaded sims.
- Create in CAS a single founder. He/she can have the personality, aspiration, etc you want. These applies to any sim created in CAS.
- Move your founder to an empty lot and give him/her a house.
- The city founder CAN'T get a job. All careers must be unlocked (see careers below). He/she will have to earn money fishing or growing plants that can be sold, painting, diging treasures..

Population and multipliers:
To calculate the population, you multiply the number of playable Sims you have in your city by your current multiplier, which changes as you play.

You start with 1 as a multiplier.
+1 for the first community lot you place
+1 each time you reach a multiple of 5 community lots
+5 for adding a Downtown
+5 for each Business District
+5 for each University

Number of playable sims X multiplier = Population

How to expand the city
- To expand the city you must create new CAS sims, which should found their own houshold.
- Every time a family has two kids, you can create a new CAS sim.
- Every time a Community Lot is placed, you can create a new CAS sim.
- The spawn of your playables can move into a new house and marry a townie of their own.

Community lots
- With every fourth household you establish in your neighborhood, you automatically earn a community lot of any size or type you choose. Lots earned in this manner may not be purchased by a Sim and may not have player-owned businesses on them at any time, so keep track of how each community lot was earned.
- At any time, you may place any community lot, but you must have a playable Sim immediately purchase the new lot and run a business on it.

Home-run business
- If your sims open a home-run business (sell fish at home, for example), it will not count as a community lot, so won't give you any point to create a new CAS sim.

Business Districts
- To earn a bussines district, you must have 5 player-owned businesses (but not home-run) and a sim to become business tycoon. The town has to pay 50 000 simoleans for building road and railway connections to the business district.
- Each Business Districs means that you can create 5 CAS sims.
- Having a Business District will unlock the military career.

- To earn a Downtown the population has to be 10,000 and the town has to pay 50 000 simoleans. The funds go building the road and railway connection to the downtown.
- You can only have one Downtown.
- Having a Downtown will allow you to create 10 CAS sims.
- Adding Downtown unlocks the apartments from Apartment life.

- To create a University, I'll collect taxes from my sims. I'm taking 10% of each household's available funds at the end of each lot's play round. If the household where the taxes are collected happens to be rich (more than 10,000 simoleans on their "pockets") I will collect an extra 5% for every 10,000 simoleans they have.
- A university can be created as soon as the taxes collected reach 300 000 simoleans.
- University can also be created if one family donates the whole 300 000 simoleans. These are private universities.
- Sims can "donate" money for creating new universities, if they happen to have plenty of money for any reason (not cheats).
- Each university add a multipler of +5. You can add as many as you want, but all of them must be earned via taxes or private donations.
- Each university allows you to create 5 CAS sims.
- Public university doesn't have any fees but the private universities have as follows: for teens to start college, you have to pay 2,500 simoleans. Once they have moved into the university district, they will have to pay 1,000 simoleans for each university year (not semester). The fees can also be payed by the families of the students'. The fees go directly to the family who opened the university. (You can use money cheats for this purpose.)

Private School
- Private Schools have to be earned. The money to "create" them can only come from donations, never from taxes.
- Private schools are unlocked once someone becomes minister of education.
- A private school can start functioning as soon as the donations reach 30 000 simoleans.

For a sim to work in any career it has to be unlocked, and have free slots for it.
Once the career is unlocked:
- If a Sim retires, dies, quits working without retiring, is fired, or changes jobs, then whatever slot they held reopens in the job pool in that career for a new, qualified (if necessary) Sim. So as your city grows, it behooves you to keep track of which Sims hold positions in which careers and how many positions are open in all the careers.
- Sims that are fired from their job via chance card or by simply not going to work may not immediately re-enter that same career. They must wait until their lot's next play round and they also must wait until a position in their ex-career is advertised in the newspaper or on the computer. They may, however, immediately take a position in any other career for which they are qualified and in which there are openings.

- The first position in this career opens when a museum community lot is placed in the main neighborhood.
- The museum can be player-owned and it must resemble a museum.
- The career is unlocked for all Sims once the first Sim in the career reaches the top of the career track.

- A position in Architecture will be opened for every 10 lots, residential or community, and each neighborhood addition (University, Downtown, Business District). The residential lots must be occupied. The community lots must be complete and functional (no blank lots), and can be player owned. Apartments only count as one lot, no matter how many playable families live in the building.
- It is always freely open to any Sim with an Art, Physics, or Mathematics degree.
- The career is never unlocked for all sims.

- This career is only open to Sims with an Art degree or those who have maxed creativity and sold 5 masterpieces.
- The career is never unlocked for all sims.

- This career is unlocked for all Sims once there is a sports-themed community lot in place. The lot has to be non-player owned.
- In this community lot there must be equipment available to participate in some sort of sport, though.

- A new position in this track opens every time a player-owned business of any kind reaches Rank 5.
- It is unlocked to everyone once someone becomes a Business Tycoon, the top of this track.

- There is a free slot of these career for every population of 100 (a population of 300 would mean 3 free slots)
- The career is never unlocked for all sims.

- For every 1 cafe or restaurant in the 'hood, 1 slot is made available.
- The career is unlocked when three separate sims have reached the top of the career.

- The first position opens when a player-owned dance studio reaches Rank 5.
- The career is unlocked when the first person in the career reaches the top of the career.

- One position is opened for each multiple of 250 in the population.
- It is always open to any Sim with a college degree in any field.

- Any sim with maxed Charisma skill may enter.
- Never unlocked.

- In order for a Sim to enter the Gamer career, they must personally own at least one of each of the following: an expensive computer, a video game console, a pinball machine, and an arcade game.
- There can be unlimited Gamers, if you want, but each must personally own all of the above equipment.
- The career is never unlocked.

- A position opens in the Intelligence career whenever a Sim reaches the top of the Military, Criminal, or Science career.
- The career is never unlocked.

- A position opens once the population is 1000 sims. After this an additional spot is added every 1,000 in population thereafter. Every time someone reaches the top of the Law Enforcement, Criminal, or Show Business career tracks an additional position can be added. If someone reaches the top of either careers before the town reaches a population of 1,000 they do not count towards the total number of Journalist openings until the population requirement is met.
- The career is never unlocked.

- The Law Career is open to any Sim with a diploma.
- The career is never unlocked.

Law Enforcement
- This career is never unlocked.
- A position opens when one of the following happens:
* Three burglaries
* Three Sim-started fires
* A playable Sim reaches the top of the Criminal career
* The population reaches a multiple of 500

- The career is never unlocked.
- The first position opens when the population reaches 500.
- A second opens at 2,500, a third opens at 5,000, and then a position opens for every multiple of 5,000 thereafter.
- The career as a whole is unlocked when the town acquires a university.

- A position for the military career opens when the population reaches 500.
- The second position opens when the population reaches 1000, then after every 2000.
- There can only be 1 General. If a sim is promoted to General, the older General must quit or retire.

- The career is unlocked when a community lot (non-player owned) including a stage and three musical instruments is placed.

Natural Science
- Open only to Sims with a diploma and golden gardening badge or degree in biology.
- The career is never unlocked.

- Open to any Sim with a gold fishing badge and a diploma.
- The career is never unlocked.

- One position is opened when there are five graves in the neighbourhood (they can be anywhere in the area) and then after every five graves.
- Open to sims with diploma.
- The career is never unlocked.

- The career is completely unlocked once the population reaches 1,000
- There can only be a Mayor at a time.

- Any Sim who maxes out both their Logic skill and their science hobby enthusiasm may enter the Science career.
- The career is unlocked once university is added.

Show Business
- The career is open to any sim with a degree in Political Science, Drama, Economics, or Literature, as long as they have at least 7 Charisma points.
- The career is never unlocked.

- A position is opened whenever a "club" community lot is placed.
- It is unlocked once the city has a Downtown.

Pet Careers
The career is open to pets owned by a sim working in the law enforcement career.

The career is open when the population reaches 5,000.

Show Business
The career is only open for pets who have learned all the commands.

falling skies bacc

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