Hey, everyone mark the calendar! It's been two entire days in a row where I was able to flog the charger for the computer into submission! :D
Not that I'm getting used to it, but whatevs.
Old fogies within!
I decided it was about time Hailey started actually paying some active attention to Glitch, since she has a second baby on the way and will hopefully be spending some time with him/her.
Not the best place to teach a toddler to walk, beside a set of stairs, but at least she gave it a vague attempt.
While stalking Jennifer, we discover that apparently, he doesn't at all understand what he's reading in that mechanical studies textbook he's reading. *sigh* Maybe I gave him the wrong career path.
Don't do anything productive there, Nick. Just sit and watch some innocent family's house burn down on the news.
I finally remembered to make a recolor for Hailey and Jennifer's wedding photo. :3 This one is in their bedroom, and I find it hilarious that my self-Sim is the only other one whose head you can actually see.
I suppose this could in some fashion be a form of father+son bonding. If only he hadn't basically walked away and left the toddler unattended at the poolside... :\
D'aww, Nick and Jennifer are becoming besties, while Hailey passes out in her plate. Cute. <3
Nick: "Oh look, my very pregnant daughter just passed out on the floor and is having trouble standing up. I think I'll go watch TV."
I'll let him slide on not helping her up, but only because he'll be a geezer in a couple of days and he'd probably hurt himself trying to lift her.
Creepy pedo potty training face GET!
If only I could keep you around forever, Jennifer...Then I'd never have to pay one of those moron NPCs to come fix the freaking garbage disposal every five seconds.
Abby is like a toddler-raising machine when she gets going. I love having a Sim I don't have to demand child care from. Too bad she'll be aging up right after Nick, and will be as fickle-minded (and fickle-bladdered) as a toddler very soon.
No sooner had everyone gotten home, eaten, and gone to bed...Graham woke up and started screaming. I swear this kid has an alarm in his head, and because of it, never sleeps. Ever.
Pop #1! It woke her up in time to snag Graham from his bed before he could start screaming again, and she was starving, so all is well.
Shut up.
Just. Shut up.
Wait what? What the fresh hell; this should have been pop #2!
Guess which InTEEN flavor pack I do NOT have installed, kiddies! Hint: It's "No Autonomous Miscarriages".
Yes, she quite literally lived in bed for almost the entire remainder of her pregnancy. I've never had a Sim give warning signs of miscarriage before, so I assume it had to do with both her stamina and her hunger being below 50% at the same time as she should have advanced to the next stage of her pregnancy.
Whee~ That was terrifying.
Your logic fails to impress Abby, Jennifer, but I'm glad you're happy anyway.
Oh holy crap. D8 I guess I'd better buy some birthday cakes here soon.
Nick: "I won't be able to make it into work tonight. By the time the carpool gets here, I'll be an old fogy who can't get out of his own way. *fakecough*"
I love how Abby seems to be eagerly awaiting the first glimpse she'll get of her husband once he ages up, and Hailey seems completely uninterested in the entire affair.
Retire? PAH! Nick can totally pull off being a DJ in between trips to the bathroom.
Here's a quick shot of Nick mid-makeover. I hadn't yet fixed up his face at all at this point, because he was already exhausted and needed an urgent bathroom break.
Are you for real?
I guess his one real LTW is to finish the painting he's been throwing paint at for a couple weeks now.
I started panicking when she yelled for me again. I was seriously terrified she was going to freak out and miscarry, and I'd find her distraught over the whole thing for the rest of her life.
Well, now I know where Hailey gets her incessant need to be the center of attention from. >:[
Yaaay! A real - LIVE - baby! And she's got Jennifer's dark skin! <3 I named her Tara, pretty much out of the blue, because I was for some reason expecting a boy.
After the close call, I decided against my initial wishes of having three kids this gen, to be on the safe side. Of course, Hailey had to go and actually TAKE CARE of Tara after neglecting poor Graham, which kind of stabbed me in the back after making the decision. She's so cute~
Hah, Graham is doing pretty well for spending most of his time in his bed. Jennifer is still being pretty awesome at being a dad though. I'm surprised!
Now when the hell did THAT happen?? No wonder everyone's environment rating drops like a brick whenever they pass through the kitchen.
More cake! MORE CAKE!
I wonder what Abby was wishing for here? :O Maybe that time would be kind to her? Don't worry, bb, I've got you covered.
I reiterate: Retirement is for the weak.
With a face like his, I don't think a little bit of ANYTHING will be enough. *cough*
I do my best to hide his sunken cheeks whenever I can, but he did at least seem to grow into them a little bit, albeit still difficult to see.
Ahh, young love...They still do make a sweet couple, and I think Abby aged on into elder-hood pretty well, all things considered.
Same uniform, and an even shittier car. You'd think the city could splurge a tiny bit and at least keep the taxi coming.
Graham is off to his very first day at school! I hope he does well, since all four of the adults in the house have wants for him to excel.
There she goes again, making an effort when it will no longer count in a couple days.
Nick does not understand why all the young people keep calling him to chat.
Like mother like son. ONE DAY in school and he's hating on his report card.
I guess Graham took his frustrations out on the shower. Don't ask me WHAT I was thinking, having Nick fix it instead of Jennifer. Maybe he was at work...?
I guess he was. :P
I have to admit, he's starting to grow on me a tiny bit. We'll need to wait and see what Tara turns out to be like before I make any real decisions though.
Speaking of Tara~
Nick has gotten a little too good at faking illness to attend parties, methinks. He's gonna be in some deep donkey doodoo if he ever actually DOES get sick.
DAMMIT, WOMAN. I can't decide which side of you I dislike more; the nurturing side that makes me hate not wanting to chance another baby, or the pimpin' side that made me hate trying out a second one.
Now where have I seen though crazy cheekbones before... ;O I wonder how SHE'LL do at aging into her features!
For now though, that's about all. It's late and raining outside, so methinks I need to go fall asleep to the sound of the weather. <3 Thanks for reading!