Large Iowa Meatpacker in Illegal Immigrant Raid Files for Bankruptcy
JULIA PRESTONPublished: November 5, 2008
The kosher meatpacking company in
Iowa that has been struggling with criminal charges and huge fines for labor violations, a dwindling work force and declining demand among Jewish consumers since an
immigration raid at its main plant, has
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KOL Foods (kosher organic food) does beef and lamb and hopes soon to add in poultry. I got my first order from them and I could taste the difference in the beef. They also have a program for non-kosher meat for the cuts that are not kosher. I like this program best because they are under the start-k.
Mitzvah Meat does beef and lamb. They have a chabad shochet. I have found them to be very responsive to emails and I believe friends may be ordering from them for November and I'll have more information on them then.
Kosher Conscience did a one time slaughter of turkeys last year. This year they have done a one time slaughter of chickens and in the next two weeks will be doing turkeys. They are hoping to get into beef and to do poultry more frequently but so far are still trying to get organized and figure out how to make it all work.
The only drawback I've found so far is that with both KOL foods and Mitzvah Meat you buy a 20+lb box of meet. This is not like going to the supermarket and picking out your cuts. You get what you get. On the other hand I was very pleased to see that KOL foods packaged things into 1lb cuts and that there was even some ground burger in the box. KOL foods also included, for free, some meat bones for people to use for making beef broth. With Kosher Conscience you can order the number of birds you want.
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