Happy Wednesday

Jul 16, 2008 12:13

 I passed my nursing boards!!!   I officially have the title of RN.
It's been pretty crazy getting used to working midnights. I worked two in a row, and then basically passed out for almost 24 hours. I hope I can adjust to this soon.

I've also lost 7 lbs since starting my nursing job a month ago, and I noticed that I have almost no appetite while on midnights. That's a good thing because I won't be eating junk food.  Also, I'm on my feet so much that I'm burning loads of calories. Even midnights keeps me on my feet constantly. People don't really sleep well in the hospital, and those who need "comfort" meds are on the call lights regularly.  I had seven patients on Monday night so things were hopping! It took forever to do my night shift paperwork.

I hope to get my diploma soon. I got my nursing license in the mail this past week and I was thrilled to finally have it! I immediately laminated the pocket-size one and put it in my wallet.

I better get out and water my veggie garden today. It's going to be a scorcher the next few days.

I'm sad to see the destruction of old Tiger Stadium. I have lots of great childhood memories from that ball park...and yes, I've been a Bleacher Creature a few times. Miss those days!

We're going to have a new roof and gutters in two weeks. Can't wait! It's long overdue. Our home will look so much better when it's all done, and hopefully the leaks into the breezeway and sun porch will stop.

OK, back to the chores and house cleaning I've gotten behind on. 
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