Nov 17, 2004 13:25
ew, i had school yesterday! and im gonna have school tommorow.. i hate hate hate school, so much! i got 96, 92, 86, and a 79 on my report card. 79 was for analysis of course, but i TOTALLY just got like a 100 on my last test which will def bring that on up, im excited to see it! what else what else? 86 for spanish 3, i dont do anything in that class anyways, so its a decent grade. and the 96 for child care and 92 for human phys. yayyy.
soo yesterday during the assembly, me and kelly were sittin in front of this kid in our school, patrick, whos gay and talks like hes gay but its cute.. so hes just pullin a brian gregory and shouting in like silence, and the funniest thing he said through the whole assembly... was when the guy was talking about drugs and alcohol and how his friennd took a dump in the woods.. patrick screams out... "omg i took a shit in the woods once hahah!!!" ahaha me and kelly couldnt stop laughing, hes a pretty funny boy.
after school kelly came over and we chilled here for awhile until like 530.. and josh came to get us, he was with sam alaimo.. we went up to barnes then on over to joshes for awhile. oh man i <3 josh! it was a big contraversy on who was going to drive me and kelly home.. sam was in no shape to, so kelly was like mal you drive!! hahaha i wouldve to i think.. i dunno. MAYBE. josh actually drove us home with no license. just a permit! but i <3 kelly and her purple people eaters.
today? i dunno whats going on except we have a soccer game at 8:15 at the dome and i get to see gula tonight :) im so excited! i ahvent seen him in what? like 2 months!? thats just TOO LONG. so im kinda excited for this game tonight... haha.