Who lives in a house like this?

Apr 03, 2012 20:23

So I'm in the process of creating an 'In The Past' Strangetown and Pleasantview (with a Downtown and Bluewater Village) for a story idea I have floating around in my head. In still in the planning stage and am having fun making over the hoods etc.

And I wanted to share a house that I've been focusing on. I'm pretty sure it is fairly easy to guess whose house and whose rooms these are. They aren't quite finished, I have a few downloads to get first but I'm hoping the rooms are still pretty close to each character.

Please note despite the fact that I've stated this is an in the past project, the decoration carries no historical significance, as my sims don't live in time periods.

And who do these rooms belong to?

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

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