And yus its Gen 2 already, what can I say Gen 1 is always short
Last time
We met the founder Soda Pop
Soda had a string of relationships
Apple was born
So Apple is such a cry baby
And Soda fails as a mummy,she wouldn't change her until i made her
a sim hour later
but if shes being held not a sound
awww (note that counter is dirty, it stayed that way for Apples whole infancy)
You still fail Soda
Apple: dem botttles is GOOOOOOOOOOD
Their house is always filthy
awwww so cute
The worst part is Soda isn't even hungry
oh yes you should be worried
FINALLY birthday time, and Soda invites AB over too
Looks kinda painful
woop woop!
awww a little thumbs up, i bet shes thinking yess now i can ask for diaper change
awww my girls
mmmm cute enough outfit
and i love that hair on her
but damn she has her fathers nose
But shes still a wingy brat
oh HAI Cabbage little close for comfort aren't we?
He isn't romantic with her, but he is really jealous of her talking to AB
Apple: who are you? and why you touch me?
Apple: Mama? HALP
and lastly aww iv'e never seen a toddler try to catch fireflys
so cute!
Next time
another birthday
and more stalking